Faisalabad Literary Festival 2019

Faisalabad Literary Festival 2019

Interloop Limited was the main sponsor of the Faisalabad Literary Festival 2019 (FLF), for the 6th consecutive year, organized by Lyallpur Literary Council on Nov 22 & 23, at Faisalabad Arts Council. People from all walks of life got the opportunity to listen to & interact with renowned writers, poets & artists of Pakistan who narrated their personal stories & soulful connection to art & literature.
The star-studded event was inaugurated by Syed Babar Ali, Advisor Packages Limited & Founder of LUMS. Acknowledging the literary figures and organizers of the festival, Musadaq Zulqarnain, Chairman Interloop Limited said, “FLF has created a prominent space in Pakistan’s literary calendar & it is a pleasure to see our youth from all walks of life showing interests in such literary activities, especially a huge number of females. Literary festivals have become important for our mental, social & economic growth as progressive nations thrive through freedom of thought & expression”

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