Partnered with WWF as Gold Sponsor for ‘Tackling Plastic Pollution in Pakistan’

Partnered with WWF as Gold Sponsor for ‘Tackling Plastic Pollution in Pakistan’

Interloop Limited partnered with WWF as Gold Sponsor for ‘Tackling Plastic Pollution in Pakistan’ campaign in collaboration with Coca-Cola Foundation. Representing Interloop Limited at the closing ceremony, Humayun Khan, Head of Corporate Communication, said, “We at Interloop believe in having a Greener mother earth hence we are playing our role in conserving the resources for the future generations by supporting initiatives including reducing plastic pollution.’’ He added, “Interloop took an initiative in 2018 to eliminate the use of PET water bottles at our manufacturing plants and offices under Zero Waste Challenge Campaign and we have reduced their use by 99% which has reduced plastic waste by 3625 Kgs annually and translates in to reduction of 42,400 Kgs CO2 emission, annually.”

The month-long WWF campaign held from Oct – Nov 2019 was first of its kind initiative within the beverage industry to support the collection and recycling of empty PET bottles. The participants who deposited empty PET bottles for recycling were rewarded with exciting gifts and prizes through daily and weekly lucky draws. The activity was hosted at three famous local malls in Lahore.

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