Interloop Sponsored Breast Cancer Awareness Event, Lahore

Interloop Sponsored Breast Cancer Awareness Event, Lahore

Commemorating Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Interloop Limited partnered with Augment Care as Gold Sponsor to host a community event organized by Pink Ribbon at COLABS, Lahore. It was a combined effort to increase awareness and support for early detection and treatment of breast cancer as well as palliative care of this disease to help women in fighting this battle. Dr. Mohammad Arif, Consultant Hematologist and Oncologist at Doctors Hospital; Dr. Badie Idris, General & Laparoscopic Surgeon, Shaikh Zayed hospital; Dr. Shiba Hameed, General Practitioner; and Silwat Zafar, Breast Cancer survivor joined the session to inform, inspire and honor breast cancer survivors. A plan for raising funds of PKR. 1,000,000 for Pink Ribbon Foundation to build the first ever dedicated Breast Cancer Hospital was also raised through this platform.

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