Alignment with SDGs

Alignment with UNDP Sustainable Development (SDGs)

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive human suffering globally as people fell sick or succumbed to this viral disease and economies crashed due to worldwide shutdowns, affecting billions of lives. The pandemic has presented both challenges as well as opportunities to achieve the 2030 agenda of sustainable development and manifests that the challenges faced by humanity cannot be dealt in isolation. It requires innovative solutions and collective action by the governments and the private sector. We support the government’s efforts to achieve the targets under the national priority SDGs and have devised strategies at Interloop to contribute to the SDGs which are most relevant to our operations.

Our Management Policies and Targets support 9 SDGs against which the progress of our sustainability initiatives
can be measured and reported, warranting our valuable contribution to the world. Our contribution towards SDGs can be found in relevant sections of the Sustainability Report 2020. The KPIs against each SDG can be referred from the SDGs Index available on pg 106 of Sustainability Report 2020.



