As part of business expansion, Interloop is entering into the Denim Apparel Segment and has envisioned a production facility which will minimise its environmental impact, prioritise worker well-being and will maintain a very high standard for operational and cost efficiency, ensuring that Interloop continues to serve its customers effectively. The production facility will be LEED Platinum Certified and will be the most technologically advanced and sustainable denim apparel production facility in this part of the world, underpinning Interloop’s Mission. The plant started production in Q3, 2019 and has been conceived with a planned output exceeding one million garments per month.

The Denim project is planned at 40,000 units production/day, split into two phases of 20,000 each. The third phase is planned to set up a fabric manufacturing facility.


    • Focus on women empowerment with the target to engage females as 50% of the total workforce
    • Plan initiatives such as in-house day care to enable women to continue work after childbirth
    • Plan at least 30% of the area as green space
    • Discharge ZERO hazardous material and waste
    • Reduce the carbon footprint by up to 50% by maximising use of daylight, solar energy, insulation, bio-mass boilers, heat recovery and energy efficient systems
    • Introduce technology and redesign traditional processes to save 35 litres of water per garment – approximately 35m litres of water a month
    • Implement new technology aimed at enhancing worker safety, boosting labour productivity and minimising risk of work-related accidents or long term illness