Page 149 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 149


               OF CHANGES IN EQUITY

               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                 Capital reserve  Revenue reserves

                                                        Share                  Employee
                                                        capital     Share     share option   Unappropriated  Total
                                                                   premium    compensation   profit
                                                                             (Rupees ‘000)

               Balance as at June 30, 2018              1,901,104     30,255        8,608     7,142,570     9,082,537
                 Profit for the year                          –           –            –       5,194,767     5,194,767
                 Other comprehensive loss                     –           –            –        (192,825)    (192,825)
               Total comprehensive income for the year        –           –            –       5,001,942     5,001,942
                 Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS)          –           –           18           –          18
                 Shares issued under the ESOS              7,558      27,522       (8,626)         –       26,454
                 Issuance of ordinary shares            1,095,000     3,934,900        –           –       5,029,900
                 Transaction cost on issuance of shares        –       (170,820)       –           –         (170,820)
                 Issuance of bonus shares               5,718,313     (30,255)         –      (5,688,058)      –
               Transactions with owners:
                 Dividend to ordinary shareholders            –           –            –      (1,090,247)    (1,090,247)
               Balance as at June 30, 2019              8,721,975     3,791,602        –       5,366,207     17,879,784
                 Profit for the year                          –           –            –       1,796,403     1,796,403
                 Other comprehensive income                   –           –            –        2,715       2,715
               Total comprehensive income for the year         –          –            –      1,799,118     1,799,118

                 Effect of initial application of IFRS-16     –           –            –         (667)       (667)
               Transactions with owners:
                 Dividend to ordinary shareholders             –          –            –      (2,398,543)    (2,398,543)
               Balance as at June 30, 2020              8,721,975     3,791,602        –       4,766,115     17,279,692

               The annexed notes 1 to 55 form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

               Chief Executive Officer                        Director                            Chief Financial Officer

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