Page 168 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 168



            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

                   Operating fixed assets                               8.1          21,897,796     17,038,440
                   Capital work–in–progress                             8.2             733,655      1,218,034
                   Right of use assets                                  8.3             112,788            –
                                                                                     22,744,239     18,256,474

                   8.1    Operating fixed assets

                                                     Cost                      Depreciation       W.D.V
                                Description   As On          As On    As On     For the    Trial   As on    As on     Rate
                                           July 1,   Additions  Deletions  June 30,   July 1,   year   Production   Adjustments   June 30,   June 30,   %
                                           2019               2020  2019       Capitalization   2020  2020
                                                                        (Rupees ‘000)
                          Freehold land    1,580,632     142,632    –     1,723,264    –   –   –     –    –    1,723,264    –
                          Buildings on freehold land    5,242,322    2,081,285    –     7,323,607    2,091,888     438,313     664    –    2,530,865    4,792,742    10
                          Plant and machinery    17,015,857    3,422,219     (71,023)   20,367,053    7,025,777    1,167,278     8,388     (52,989)   8,148,454     12,218,602    10
                          Tools and  equipment    975,631     308,597     (1,377)   1,282,851     388,974     75,375     398     (723)    464,024     818,827    10
                          Office equipment    408,316     101,856     (13,027)    497,145     215,163     49,748    –     (10,489)    254,422     242,723    20
                          Electric installations    1,414,876     570,548     (502)   1,984,922     521,102     119,953     204     (69)    641,190    1,343,732    10
                          Furniture and fixtures    396,077     84,502     (51)    480,528     146,669     29,529     13     (27)    176,184     304,344    10
                          Vehicles          582,590     204,064     (97,081)    689,573     188,288     100,314    –      (52,594)    236,008     453,565    20
                           Total          27,616,301    6,915,703     (183,061)   34,348,943    10,577,861    1,980,510     9,667     (116,891)    12,451,147  21,897,796

                                                     Cost                      Depreciation       W.D.V
                                Description   As On          As On    As On     For the    Trial   As on    As on     Rate
                                           July 1,   Additions  Deletions  June 30,   July 1,   year   Production   Adjustments   June 30,   June 30,   %
                                           2018               2019  2018       Capitalization   2019  2019
                                                                        (Rupees ‘000)
                          Freehold land     929,470     651,162    –      1,580,632    –   –     –    –   –    1,580,632    –
                          Buildings on freehold land    4,730,351     529,222     (17,251)   5,242,322    1,768,809     329,980     273     (7,174)   2,091,888    3,150,434    10
                          Plant and machinery    15,337,894    1,976,665     (298,702)   17,015,857    6,209,372    1,006,313     3,395     (193,303)   7,025,777    9,990,080    10
                          Tools and  equipment    853,508     129,094     (6,971)    975,631     332,256     60,111     175     (3,568)    388,974     586,657    10
                          Office equipment    363,401     54,818     (9,903)    408,316     176,388     43,985     173     (5,383)    215,163     193,153    20
                          Electric installations    1,314,054     100,857     (35)   1,414,876     426,794     94,060     268     (20)    521,102     893,774    10
                          Furniture and fixtures    313,807     86,160     (3,890)    396,077     123,857     25,044     38     (2,270)    146,669     249,408    10
                          Vehicles          518,914     190,031     (126,355)    582,590     172,546     81,663     –       (65,921)    188,288     394,302    20
                          Sub total        24,361,399    3,718,009     (463,107)   27,616,301    9,210,022    1,641,156     4,322     (277,639)   10,577,861    17,038,440
                          Vehicles           2,439    –     (2,439)   –       1,272     78    –    (1,350)   –   –    20
                          Sub total          2,439    –      (2,439)   –    1,272     78    –     (1,350)   –   –
                          Total            24,363,838    3,718,009     (465,546)   27,616,301    9,211,294    1,641,234     4,322     (278,989)   10,577,861    17,038,440

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