Page 50 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 50

Risks   Source     Nature                      Mitigation Strategies

                                                      When managing capital, it is our prime objective to safeguard the
                       Capital           Impact: M    Company’s ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide
                                                      returns for shareholders. Therefore, the Company management
                       Risk              Likelihood: L  diligently opts optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.
                                                      The Company maintains low leveraged capital structure and monitors
                                                      the capital structure on the basis of the gearing ratio

                                                      The Company’s interest rate risk arises from long term financing, short
                                                      term borrowings, loans and advances to subsidiary companies and
                       Monetary          Impact: M    bank balances in saving accounts. The Company management pro-
                       Policy            Likelihood: M  actively manages its financial planning and carefully crafted its portfolio
                                                      of borrowing through utilizing LTFF/ILTFF and ERF in order to avoid any
                                                      adverse impact of monetary policy

                  Financial  Currency    Impact: L    The company is net exporter so devaluation of PKR has a positive

                                                      impact overall. However, in order to manage it effectively, the company
                                                      closely monitors sentiments and market moves and from time to time
                                         Likelihood: M
                                                      uses different kinds of derivatives to minimize the risk

                       Credit                         The Company’s credit exposure to credit risk and impairment losses
                                                      relates to its trade debts. This risk is mitigated by the fact that majority
                       Risk/             Impact: M    of our customers have a strong financial standing and we have a
                       Market            Likelihood: L  long-standing business relationship with all our customers. We do not
                       Risk                           expect non-performance by our customers; hence, the credit risk is

                                                      The Company management is diligently managing its cash flow stream
                                                      and carefully crafted its portfolio of investment and borrowing. The
                       Liquidity         Impact: L    management diligently review key financial ratios and adjust its strategy
                       Risk              Likelihood: L  which keeps the Company in financial discipline. Additionally, the
                                                      Company maintains enough reserve along with sufficient funded lines
                                                      from the Financial Institutions

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