Page 100 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 100


            CASH FLOWS

            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
               Profit before taxation                                                 6,872,863     2,115,831
               Adjustments for:
               Depreciation                                                           2,279,613     1,980,510
               Amortization                                                             18,329         14,931
               Depreciation on right of use assets                                      41,215         16,835
               Workers’ welfare fund                                                   140,262         43,180
               Workers’ profit participation fund                                      369,111        112,527
               Staff retirement gratuity                                               857,791        783,277
               Loss on disposal of non current assets                                   19,535         17,534
               Exchange (gain)/loss - net                                               (36,056)       37,011
               Inventory write-off                                                         434          7,125
               Realized loss on derivative financial instruments                        27,251        106,843
               Unrealized loss on derivative financial instruments                      33,074             –
               Remeasurement loss on investment in mutual funds                             –           5,293
               Profit on term deposit receipts (TDRs)                                    (3,088)      (36,131)
               Profit on term finance certificates (TFCs)                               (45,624)      (55,606)
               Interest on loan to Metis International (Pvt) Ltd                         (1,152)       (1,356)
               Reversal of impairment loss                                              (70,814)           –
               Interest on receivables from IL Bangla Limited                            (5,308)       (5,796)
               Finance cost                                                           1,147,038     1,137,162
               Operating cash flows before working capital changes                   11,644,474     6,279,170
               Changes in working capital
               (Increase)/decrease in current assets
                 Stores and spares                                                     (126,666)     (174,865)
                 Stock in trade                                                      (2,056,846)    (2,535,259)
                 Trade debts                                                         (7,632,722)    1,040,349
                 Loans and advances                                                    (469,075)      571,644
                 Prepayment and other receivables                                      (114,482)       17,322
                 Tax refunds due from government                                     (1,876,611)     (218,701)
                 Short term investment in mutual funds - net                                –         125,603
               Increase/(decrease) in current liabilities
                 Trade and other payables                                             2,071,469      (433,974)
                                                                                    (10,204,933)    (1,607,881)
               Cash generated from operations                                         1,439,541     4,671,289
                 Finance cost paid                                                   (1,097,987)    (1,049,053)
                 Income tax paid                                                       (531,448)     (448,202)
                 Staff retirement gratuity paid                                        (281,467)     (122,931)
                 Workers’ profit participation fund paid                               (119,000)     (288,315)
                 Long term loans paid                                                   (88,237)      (42,293)
                 Long term deposits paid                                                (16,505)      (10,318)
                 Settlement of derivative financial instruments                         (27,251)     (106,843)
                 Profit on term deposit receipts (TDRs) received                         3,132         36,131
                 Exchange gain/(loss) - net                                             11,538        (37,011)
               Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities                  (707,684)    2,602,454

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