Page 152 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 152



            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                   52.2   Credit risk:
                          Credit risk is the risk representing accounting loss that would be recognized at the reporting date if
                          one party to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation or its failure to perform duties
                          under the contract as contracted. Concentration of credit risk arises when a number of counterparties
                          are  engaged  in  similar  business  activities  or  have  similar  economic  features  that  would  cause  their
                          ability to meet contractual obligations that is susceptible to changes in economic, political or other
                          conditions. Concentration of credit risk indicates the relative sensitivity of the Company’s performance
                          to developments affecting a particular industry. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting
                          date is as follows :

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                          Long term loans                                              144,673        113,823
                          Long term investments                                             –         500,000
                          Long term deposits                                            60,478         38,337
                          Trade debts                                                15,052,940     7,207,391
                          Loans and advances                                           121,955         57,792
                          Other receivables                                            289,186        181,143
                          Accrued income                                                 2,131          2,239
                          Short term investments                                       500,000        125,044
                          Bank balances                                                356,155        136,618
                                                                                     16,527,518     8,362,387

                          Loans and advances consist of loans to employees & director and Metis International (Pvt) Ltd. Loans
                          to employees and director are secured against their retirement benefits and loan to Metis International
                          along with its accrued interest is also secured through an irrevocable lien/charge on total assets of the
                          Metis International (Pvt) Limited. Therefore, the Company is not exposed to any significant credit risk on
                          these loans.

                          Long term deposits have been mainly placed with suppliers of electricity, gas and telecommunication
                          services. Considering the financial position and credit quality of the institutions, the Company’s exposure
                          to credit risk is not significant.

                          Trade debts amounting to Rs. 6,235 million (2020: Rs. 4,376 million) out of total debts are secured
                          against letters of credit and insured contract. Furthermore, credit quality of customers is assessed taking
                          into  consideration  their  financial  position  and  previous  dealings  and  on  that  basis,  individual  credit
                          limits are set. Moreover, the management regularly monitors and reviews customers’ credit exposure.
                          Accordingly, the Company is not exposed to any significant credit risk.

                          Other receivables constitute mainly receivables from the related parties and subsidy on gas. Considering
                          the financial position of related parties and credit quality of the institution, the Company’s exposure to
                          credit risk is not significant.

                          The Company has no material expected credit loss or impairment allowance at the year end regarding
                          trade debts and other receivables.

                          Short term investments are investments in TFCs. The credit risk on these investments and their accrued
                          profit is limited because counter party is bank with reasonably high credit ratings.

                          The credit quality of the Company’s bank balances can be assessed by reference to external credit
                          ratings or to historical information about counterparty default rate:

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