Page 46 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 46


                Your company is continuously investing substantial   2020 & November 05, 2020 approved the scheme of
                resources to improve working conditions and maintaining   arrangement for amalgamation of ILA, a wholly owned
                                                                   subsidiary of ILP, with and into ILP with effect from January
                the highest standards of health, safety and environment
                                                                   31, 2021. ILA is amalgamated with and into ILP with the
                (HSE) to ensure well-being of the people who work with us,
                                                                   approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission
                as well as of the communities where we operate.    of Pakistan. The entire issued, subscribed and paid-up
                                                                   capital of ILA, comprising of 104,500,000 ordinary shares
                CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                    of Rs. 10 each stands cancelled without any payment or
                                                                   other consideration with effect from January 31, 2021.
                During the current financial year, Interloop’s CSR vision has
                been aimed at protecting our environment, operating in a
                socially responsible manner, developing the communities   PRINCIPAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES
                in which we operate, maintaining standards of excellence   Risks & Opportunities are discussed in detail on page no.60
                in our work and advocating healthy lifestyles, acting with   of the Annual Report..
                integrity and adhering to the highest ethical standards,
                promoting diversity in our work force and partnering with   BUSINESS CHALLENGES AND FUTURE
                diverse suppliers and ensuring a safe, healthy workplace.   OUTLOOK
                The detailed analysis on CSR activities is presented in the
                                                                Interloop Limited has outlined its Vision 2025 which reads
                Annual and Sustainability Reports of the company.
                                                                as “TO BECOME A FULL FAMILY CLOTHING PARTNER
                                                                OF CHOICE” with the Targeted Revenue of USD 700M with
                                                                total planned investment of USD 302.27M. The company
                                                                needs to achieve certain goals and may have to face some
                i.   Dividend                                   challenges to reach the targets set for 2025 which include:

                   The Board of Directors in its meeting held on     • Significant Size in the World Market
                   September  15,  2021  has  proposed  final  cash   • End to End Services
                   dividend for the year ended June 30, 2021 @ Rs.1   • Engaged Employees
                   per share, for approval of the members in the     • Serving the Community
                   Annual General Meeting.
                                                                The company is planning to expand its operations to
                ii.  Bonus Shares
                                                                achieve the set targets by addition of Hosiery Plant and
                   The Board of Directors in its meeting held on   Denim Fabric Mill. Further planning to increase the capacity
                   September 15, 2021 has proposed the issue of   of manufacturing in all segments focusing from infant to
                   bonus shares in the proportion of 3% i.e., 3 bonus   adult customer.
                   shares for every 100 shares held, for the year ended
                   June 30, 2021, for approval of the members in the   Interloop  Limited  has  elevated  its  commitment  to  the
                   Annual General Meeting.                      environment by joining the Fashion Industry’s Charter for
                                                                Climate Action to drive net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
                MATERIAL CHANGES DURING THE                     We will work towards a target of 25% GHG emission
                CURRENT YEAR                                    reductions by FY2026. We are also functioning on reducing
                                                                water consumption by 25%, diverting 100% of our waste
                The company had the following material events during the
                                                                from landfills and ensuring Zero Discharge of Hazardous
                FY 2020-21;
                i.   Amalgamation of Wholly owned Subsidiary -
                                                                Although the challenges are huge but we are committed
                   IL Apparel (Private) Limited (ILA)
                                                                to perform in the best possible manner and add value
                   During the year, the Board of Directors of Interloop
                                                                to our stakeholders by meeting the long-term goals of
                   Limited (ILP) and IL Apparel (Private) Limited (ILA)
                                                                the company. For improving quality of our products and
                   in their respective meetings held on October 28,

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