Page 93 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 93

S. No  Key Audit Matter(s)                          How the Matter was addressed in audit
              3.   Inventory existence and valuation (Refer notes 12 and 13 to the financial statements)
                   The  company  has  significant  levels  of  inventories  Our audit procedures over existence and valuation of
                   amounting  to  Rs.  12.475  billion  as  at  the  reporting  inventory included, but were not limited to:
                   date, being  21% of the total assets of the Company.
                                                                 •   To test the quantity of inventories at all locations,
                   There is a risk in estimating the eventual NRV of items   we  assessed  the  corresponding  inventory
                   held, as well as assessing which items may be slow-  observation instructions and participated in
                   moving or obsolete.                              inventory  counts  on  sites.  Based  on  samples,
                                                                    we  performed  test  counts  and  compared  the
                   The Company’s principal accounting policy on stores   quantities counted by us with the results of the
                   and spares and stock in trade are disclosed in notes –   counts of the management;
                   6.6 and 6.7 to the financial statements.
                                                                 •   For a sample of inventory items, re-performed the
                   The  significance  of  the  balance  coupled  with  the   weighted average cost calculation and compared
                   judgments and estimates involved on their valuation   the weighted average cost appearing on valuation
                   has resulted in the inventories being considered as a   sheets;
                   key audit matter.
                                                                 •   We  tested  that  the  ageing  report  used  by
                                                                    management  correctly  aged  inventory  items  by
                                                                    agreeing a sample of aged inventory items to the
                                                                    last recorded invoice;
                                                                 •   On a sample basis, we tested the net realizable
                                                                    value  of  inventory  items  to  recent  selling  prices
                                                                    and reperformed the calculation of the inventory
                                                                    write down, if any;
                                                                 •   We also made enquires of management, including
                                                                    those  outside  of  the  finance  function,  and
                                                                    considered the results of our testing above to
                                                                    determine whether any specific write downs were
              4.   Revenue recognition (Refer note 32 to the financial statements)
                   We identified recognition of revenue of the Company  We performed a range of audit procedures in relation
                   as a key audit matter because revenue is one of the key  to revenue including the following:
                   performance indicators and gives rise to an inherent
                   risk that revenue could be subject to misstatement to  •   We obtained an understanding of the process
                   meet expectations or targets.                    relating  to recognition of revenue and testing
                                                                    the  design,  implementation  and  operating
                   The  Company  earns  revenue  from  multiple  business   effectiveness  of  key  internal  controls  over
                   lines  which  operate  as  distinct  business  units  with   recording of revenue;
                   significant volume of revenue transactions.
                                                                 •   We compared a sample of revenue transactions
                   Revenue  is  recorded  in  accordance  with  the   recorded during the year with sales orders, sales
                   requirements   of   IFRS-15   which   provides   a   invoices,  delivery  documents  and  other  relevant
                   comprehensive model of revenue recognition and   underlying documents;
                   requires  the  Company  to  exercise  judgement,
                   taking into consideration all of the relevant facts and  •   We performed analytical review procedures and
                   circumstances when applying the model to contracts   other test of details over various revenue streams
                   with customers.                                  including  the  cut-off  procedures  to  check  that
                                                                    revenue has been recognized in the appropriate
                   For  further  information,  refer  to  the  summary  of   accounting period;
                   significant accounting policies, Revenue from contracts
                   with customers’ note 6.18 to the financial statements.  •   We  assessed  the  adequacy  of  the  disclosures
                                                                    as per  the guidelines set out  in the applicable
                                                                    financial reporting requirements.

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