Page 41 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 41


 Corporate governance principles   Pakistan, placing  Interloop amongst   found at page 28 of the Annual Report
 set the structure and processes   the top 50 companies and the 2nd   2019.
 for successful management of the   Largest Textile Company listed on PSX,   Board of Directors
 organization and bring transparency   by market capitalization.  The Board has constituted different
 in corporate actions. This year, we got   Board committees, with proper
 listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange   The Board of Directors is the highest   delegation as required under the
 which has required us to follow the   governing body at Interloop. The Board   Code of Corporate Governance,
 listing regulations as well as Code   is elected every three years. The last   for effective discharge of its duties.
 of Corporate Governance for listed   election of the Directors was held on   These committees include the Audit
 companies. We, at Interloop, commit   October 22, 2017. The Directors elect   Committee, HR and Remuneration   Board Committees  Company Secretary
 to follow our internal code of conduct,   one of the members to serve as the   Committee and Nomination
 Code of Corporate Governance   Chairman of the Board. The positions   Committee. The committees have
 applicable on listed companies and the   of Chairman and Chief Executive   defined terms of reference with clear
 best available practices in corporate   Officer are held by different individuals.   objectives and responsibilities.
 governance to ensure continued   The Chairman is responsible for   Interloop is committed to act in an   Audit  HR & Renumeration  Nomination
 delivery of exceptional performance   overseeing performance of the Board   ethical and sustainable way in all of   Committee  Committee  Committee
 and meet the expectations of our   while the Chief Executive Officer is   its activities. It has centralized the
 stakeholders. The code of conduct   responsible for day to day activities of   planning, execution and monitoring
 guides on ethical business practices,   the Company in line with the mandate   of sustainability activities under
 relations with our business partners   vested in him by the Board.   the CEO Secretariat in the form of   Internal  CEO
 and the conduct required from our   The Board consists of seven Directors;   dedicated Sustainability Cell. The
 people. The code of conduct can be   two Executive & five Non-Executive   Sustainability Cell is responsible for
 accessed at page 8 of the Annual   Directors. Two among them are   reviewing customer requirements on
 Report 2019.                                                              CFO
 Independent Directors and have no   the sustainability front, developing new
 Interloop Limited (ILP) was listed on   monetary relationship with Interloop   policies and actions, recommending   CEO’s Office
 the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX)   Limited except directorship fee paid   the best course of action, defining   (Corp Coms, Sustainability Strategy
                                       Office, Other Specialists)
 on April 5, 2019 at PSX, Karachi.   to them for attending Board meetings.   targets and monitoring performance
 Despite tough market conditions, the   Of the seven Directors, six are male   on sustainability. The sustainability
 IPO was oversubscribed by 1.5 times   and one is female. The Directors have   performance is reviewed by the Chief
 and Interloop was able to successfully   diverse backgrounds in engineering,   Executive Officer on a monthly basis
 raise PKR 5.02 billion, the highest by   finance and other related fields. The   and deliberation is also carried out at   President  President /  President /  BU Head  VP Finance  VP People  CIO  VP Sourcing
 a private company in the history of   details about the Directors can be   the Board meetings.  Hosiery  VP Yarns  VP Denim  Seamless

                VP Sales &             Spinning                            Finance                HR

               VP Hosiery Sales       Yarn Sales                           Energy              Interloop Way

                                     Yarn Deying &
               VP Hosiery OPS                                                                     Lean


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