Page 84 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 84

Health Care                      Support for Differently Abled    Alzheimer Socks
                                                                                                                                          Free Treatment for Poor                                           Interloop teamed up with Euro Sox
                                                                                                                                          Patients                         Interloop supports education,    Plus B.V. Netherlands in 2015, 17 &
                                                                                                                                                                           health and well- being of differently   18 and produced Alzheimer Socks; an
                                                                                                                                          Another area of constant focus for   abled children by supporting Syeda   initiative to create awareness among
                                                                                                                                          Interloop’s social responsibility is   Khatoon-e-Jannat Trust Hospital &   people about Alzheimer’s disease.
            Literary Activities &            National & International         She Loves Tech Pakistan                                     Heath Care. We have been providing   Special Education Center, Faisalabad;   Approximately €1.08 million have been
                                                                                                                                          free health care services to deserving
                                                                                                                                                                           a noble institution looking after the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            generated and donated to VUmc
            Conferences                      Conferences                      Interloop partnered with CIRCLE as the                      patients including 120 Corneal   treatment and optimal development of   Alzheimer Center, Amsterdam for
                                             To promote innovation and intellectual   Main Sponsor to support She Loves                   Transplants and 3000 Ophthalmic   children with intellectual and physical   research on diagnostics and treatment
            Playing its role in creating learning   development of Pakistani textile   Tech Pakistan. She Loves Tech is a                 patients at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital,   disabilities.          of Alzheimer’s disease
            opportunities and developing the   professionals and students, Interloop   global contest to create opportunities             Rawalpindi since 2009. Approximately
            character of the society, Interloop   has been sponsoring the All Pakistan   for women-led/impact tech startups, to           4800 Dialysis Procedures have been                                Mobile Health Clinic
            supports various cultural and literary   DICE-Textile Innovation Event &   level up the global stage. STEM women              provided through Patients Welfare
            events throughout the year.      International Conference for last 4   from all over Pakistan participated in                 Society at Allied Hospital, Faisalabad                            Interloop has partnered with Lok Sanjh
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Foundation; implementing partner
                                             years, consecutively.            this competition and the finalist aspiring                  since 2012. 1600 Tuberculosis patients                            of Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) in
                                                                              female entrepreneur represented                             have been receiving treatment through                             Pakistan to finance provision of Mobile
                                                                              Pakistan at the global competition in                       Anti TB Association, Faisalabad                                   Health Services for marginalized Rural
                                                                              China.                                                      since 2010. 800 patients have been                                Communities in cotton growing areas
                                                                                                                                          provided Hepatitis C treatment through
                                                                              Lyallpur Picture Gallery                                    Liver Foundation Trust, Civil Hospital,                           of 3 Union Councils in District Toba Tek
                                                                                                                                          Faisalabad since 2010. Multiple                                   Singh, Punjab. Since Feb. 2019, the
                                                                              Interloop provides financial support                                                                                          Mobile Health Clinic is serving approx.
                                                                              to Lyallpur Picture Gallery annually,                       Blood Transfusion, Thalassemia                                    4,000 rural community members,
                                                                              developed by the District Government,                       and Hemophilia patients have been                                 especially farmers, women workers
                                                                              Faisalabad. General public, especially                      treated through Ali Zaib Foundation                               and women cotton pickers working in
                                                                              students, visit the gallery to learn about                  since 2016. 20 Spinal and Orthopedic                              the cotton fields, on weekly basis.
                                                                              Faisalabad’s rich history, culture and                      patients have been treated at Ghurki
                                                                              transformation into a textile industry                      Hospital since 2017 and numerous
                                                                              hub.                                                        Cardiac Treatments have been
                                                                                                                                          provided through Faisalabad Institute of
                                                                                                                                          Cardiology since 2016.

            Faisalabad Literary Festival

            Since 2014, Interloop hosts the
            Faisalabad Literary Festival every year,
            as the main sponsor, where people
            from all walks of life including families
            and youth get the opportunity to
            interact firsthand with eminent literati
            from across the country, who gather to
            inspire people with their popular works
            of literature and performing arts.

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