Page 11 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 11


 Interloop Limited conducts its business based on the highest ethical standards in   With unparalleled economic uncertainty in the local and global markets, it has
 full compliance with all applicable laws. Honesty and integrity take precedence   been imperative for Interloop to maintain a growth mindset and work towards
 in all relationships including those with customers, suppliers, employees and   increasing the value of our organization for all our stakeholders. We aspire to
 other stakeholders.  be a partner of choice for our customers with multi-category and multi-country

 Ethics and Business   Relations with Business  capabilities, leveraging our manufacturing scale and flexibility, underpinned by
               incredibly diverse and empowered teams.
 Practices  Partners

 •  We conduct  the company’s  business  in an   We seek to do business with suppliers, vendors, contractors
 environmentally  responsible and sustainable manner   and other independent businesses who demonstrate high
 and provide employees with a safe and healthy   standards of ethical business behavior. Our company will not
 workplace.  knowingly do business with any persons or businesses that
 •  All employees are expected to understand the permits,   operate in violation of applicable laws and regulations for
 Health, Safety & Environment Policy and local laws   employment, health, safety and environment. We shall take
 and business regulations related to their work and   steps to assure that our suppliers, vendors and contractors
 comply fully so that our shareholders, other employees,   understand the standards we apply to ourselves and expect
 customers, suppliers, stakeholders and the government   them to do the same.
 have complete faith in the way we operate and that our
 business decisions are made ethically and in the best   Our People
 interests of the company.
 We believe  that highly engaged employees are a key
 •   Over the years,  Interloop has developed  a robust   ingredient  for professional development  and business
 organizational culture based on the strong foundation   success. Therefore, we invite our employees to contribute
 of company’s Mission & Values i.e. Integrity, Care,   their best and to avail the opportunities for improvement and   Sales
 Accountability, Respect & Excellence.  growth. We are an equal opportunity employer and promote
 •  We have recently launched Uniform Behaviors;   gender diversity, inclusion, self-development and innovation.   Grow sales by delivering innovative/value added products   our ways of working and digitizing our supply chain, we will
 a complete manual  outlining  essential behaviors   We provide employees with tools, techniques, and trainings   faster, expanding hosiery product offering and diversifying   be able to drive efficiency and manufacture more sustainably,
 expected  of our employees  while doing business   to master their current jobs, broaden their skills, and advance   into adjacent product categories including denim, seamless   with the aim to be the fastest in South Asia.
 across the organization. The Uniform Behaviors Manual   their career goals and groom as good human beings.  activewear and knitwear. Our new categories will be igniting
 has been developed to replicate the same culture   our next phase of growth as we prepare to deliver end to end   Culture
 across rapidly  growing multiple  business categories.   solutions to our customers across multiple categories.
 Uniform Behaviors lead to mutual trust, measuring                We believe groundbreaking  performance  is  only possible
 success, personal & professional growth, performance   Costs     when teams are empowered and equipped to deliver. We are
 management, succession planning, continuous learning             bringing our vision to life by developing an agile organization
 & improvement and will act as a sustainable roadmap   Whilst maintaining a growth mindset, our focus is to remain   structure and launching skill development  programmes
 for employees, for succeeding in their personal and   competitive by efficiently managing our cost base, focusing   focusing  on leadership, analytical and technical skills.
 professional lives.  on improving productivity, reducing input costs, improving   Workplace safety is paramount to the work we do and with
               equipment efficiency, reducing wastage and improving our   over 17,000 people working for us, their health and safety
 Assets and Proprietary   energy efficiency.                      comes first. We have focused on developing a competent
                                                                  team with specialist experience who understand health and
 Information   Quality                                            safety  risks and have  stringent policies and procedures
                                                                  in place to manage  such  risks,  helping eliminate serious
               To deliver on our ambitions, it is important that we not only   injuries.
 We consider our company’s physical and intellectual assets
 very valuable and have an obligation to protect them in the   maintain our quality and service level but also continuously
               improve our quality management processes and systems,
 interest of the company and its shareholders. Safeguarding   driving efficiency through standardization and automation,   Business with Purpose
 company information is important for our business  and
 all employees  are expected  to know  which information is   using  preventive and  ultimately predictive solutions  to   Our ultimate destination  is our mission  which is more
                                                                  than just words - it is reflected in all our decisions  and
 proprietary and must not be disclosed  to unauthorized   achieve 100% pass rates.  our business practices. Our ambition is to transform lives,
 sources. Employees are responsible for applying all available    improve wellbeing and build  diverse, empowered and
 tools to manage the company’s information resources and   Speed  inclusive workforce whilst ethically using our resources. In   2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited  in sampling  and manufacturing  become catalysts  for   our mission – an agent of positive change.  Annual Report
               As we  move  forward towards our vision, achieving speed
                                                                  today’s world our success is determined by staying true to
               transformation. By  streamlining our  processes, innovating

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