Page 141 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 141




 23.2    The company has entered into a syndicated long term finance facility arrangement for Rs. 1,900 million with a consortium of local banks for acquisition   2019  2018
 of certain assets from Kohinoor Mills Limited. The repayment of this loan is to be made in quarterly installments and the loan is secured against the 1st   Note   Rupees in ‘000
 specific charge of Rs. 2,933.34 million (2018: 2,933.34 million) over the fixed assets of Interloop Limited (Hosiery Division III). The mark up is charged   25.2   Movement in the present value of defined benefit obligation
 at the fixed rate of 5% per annum (2018: 5% per annum).
                       Opening balance                                                     1,925,612      1,572,461
 23.3    The Company has also entered into syndicated long term finance facility arrangement for Rs. 300 million with a consortium of local banks for Bal-
 ancing, Modernization and Replacement (BMR) of assets purchased from Kohinoor Mills Limited. The repayment of loan is to be made in quarterly   Expenses recognized in the statement of profit or loss  25.3   522,833    414,543
 installments and securities are same as mentioned in note 23.2 above. Markup is charged at the rate of 03 months KIBOR plus 1.3% per annum   Remeasurement of plan obligation chargeable to other comprehensive income  25.5   192,825    91,305
 (2018: 03 months KIBOR plus 1.3% per annum).  Balance transferred to Interloop Holdings (Pvt) Limited   (17,120)   (503)
                       Balance transferred to IL Apparel (Pvt) Limited                       (10,506)           -
 23.4    The Company has obtained Islamic Long Term Finance Facility - ILTFF of Rs. 1,500 million for purchase of plant and machinery for a period of 10   Paid during the year   (131,021)   (152,194)
 years including 2 year grace period. Repayment of loan is to be made in quarterly installments and is secured against 1st JPP charge of Rs. 3,734
 million (2018: nil) over land, building and plant and machinery of the Company. This 1st JPP charge of Rs. 3,734 million is same on both ILTFF and
 diminishing musharika facilities from HBL and is included in aggregate charge mentioned in note 23.1 above. Markup is charged at SBP ILTFF rate   Closing balance   2,482,623    1,925,612
 plus 0.75% per annum (2018: nil).
                   25.3   Expenses recognized in the statement of profit or loss
 23.5     The Company "Interloop Limited" has entered into loan agreement with Interloop Holdings (Pvt) Limited upto an amount of Rs. 3,000 million for period
 of three years including one year grace period. Mark up is charged at the rate of 5% per annum and will be paid till 15th of every month, following the   Current service cost   336,823    298,575
 end of every quarter. Upon lapse of payment date, the Company shall pay late payment charges equivalent to 2% of the monthly mark up installment   Interest cost   186,010    115,968
 due for each day of late payment, which may be considered to waive off at the discretion of management of Interloop Holdings (Pvt) Limited. The   25.4   522,833    414,543
 loan is unsecured but is made with full recourse against the Company and its successors.
                   25.4   Amounts charged in the statement of profit or loss are as follows:
 2019  2018
  Rupees in ‘000       Cost of sales                                                        440,739         352,125
                       Distribution expenses                                                 14,368         11,498
                       Administrative expenses                                               67,726         50,920
       SUBJECT TO FINANCE LEASE                                                             522,833         414,543
 Future minimum lease payments   -      1,146   25.5   Total remeasurement chargeable to other comprehensive income
 Less: Un-amortized finance charges   -      (61)
 Present value of future minimum lease payments   -      1,085   Remeasurement of plan obligation:
 Less: Current portion shown under current liabilities   -      (470)  Actuarial gain from changes in demographic assumptions   -      (75,521)
                       Actuarial losses from changes in financial assumptions                97,569         67,778
  -      615           Experience adjustments                                                95,256         99,048
                                                                                            192,825         91,305
 24.1 During the year the Company has paid off all its lease liability.
 24.2 The amount of future payments of the lease and the period in which these payments will become due are as follows:  25.6   Principal actuarial assumptions used  2019  2018
                       Discount rate used for profit and loss charge                        10.00%          7.75%
 2018                  Discount rate for year end obligation                                14.50%         10.00%
  Later than one year
  Not later than one   and not later than   Salary increase used for year end obligation
 year                  Salary increase for FY 2019                                             N/A          9.25%
 five years            Salary increase for FY 2020                                          14.00%          9.25%
                       Salary increase for FY 2021                                          14.00%          9.25%
  Rupees in ‘000
                       Salary increase for FY 2022                                          14.00%          9.25%
                       Salary increase for FY 2023                                          14.00%          9.25%
 Future minimum lease payments   519    627   Salary increase for FY 2024                   14.00%          9.25%
 Less: Un-amortized finance charges   (49)   (12)  Salary increase for FY 2025 onward       14.00%          9.25%
 Present value of future minimum lease payments   470    615
                       Demographic assumption
                       Mortality rates (for deaths in service)                                SLIC           SLIC
 2019  2018                                                                                2001-2005      2001-2005
 Note   Rupees in ‘000                                                                 Setback 1 year  Setback 1 year
                       Staff retirement gratuity                                           60 years        60 years
 Staff retirement gratuity  25.2   2,482,623    1,925,612   25.7  The expected contribution to defined benefit obligation for the year ending June 30, 2020 will be Rs. 733.96 million.
 25.1 General description  25.8  Sensitivity analysis
 This represents an unfunded gratuity scheme which provides termination benefits for all employees of the Company who attain the minimum qualifying
 period. The latest actuarial valuation of the defined benefit plan was carried out as at June 30, 2019 using the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) Actuarial   The calculation of the defined benefit obligation is sensitive to assumptions set out above. The following table summarizes how the impact on the
 Cost Method. Details of the defined benefit plan are as follows:  definedbenefit obligation at the end of the reporting period would have increased / (decreased) as a result of a change in respective assumptions   2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited                                                                                                    Annual Report
                       by 100 bps.

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