Page 25 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 25


 Some of our top clients include:
 Some of our top clients include:  Interloop has been recognised all over the globe for instituting sustainable
               practices for its people, operations and the community
               practices for its people, operations and the community

                                                 In 2016 & 2017 Interloop was conferred
                 Target Corporation recognized   In 2016 & 2017 Interloop was conferred   Interloop was among the 2 out
                   Interloop Limited with the   adidas Performance Award for its PEOPLE   of 34 suppliers from 6 countries
                 2017 ‘Partnership Award’ for    category based on Employee Welfare     to receive PUMA Sustainability
                  Responsible Sourcing and                Initiatives & CSR              Award 2018 for outstanding
                   Community Development                                                   performance in Social
                                                  In 2018, adidas awarded Interloop for   Compliance & Environmental
                                                 Zero Waste Water discharge at its LEED       Sustainability
                                                Gold Certified facility, 120KW solar energy
                                                generation being enhanced to 2MW by Q3,
                                              2019, significantly reducing the use of plastic &
                                                commitment to plant 73,000 trees by 2020

                   H&M conferred the          In recognition of    Interloop won the Global   Interloop was conferred
                  Sustainability Award       Interloop’s efforts   Supplier ‘Best in Quality’   the 14th EFP - OSH
                 on Interloop Limited in    towards Triple Bottom    Award from C&A for      Diamond Award 2018
                 2016 for its People and     Line Sustainability,   2016-17 for complying   in recognition of its best
                  Environment focused      Interloop was among the     with the quality    practices in safety, health &
                      Initiatives         7 companies from around    performance criteria       environment
                                             the world, endowed      though out the year                              2018 - 19
                                            with the ‘Sustainability
                                           Innovation Award 2015’,
                                             by Business School
                                           Lousanne, Switzerland.                                                     Annual Report

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