Page 39 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 39


 Shareholders / Institutional

 Interloop acknowledges and honors the trust our investors   reporting, Head Office and Plants’ visits are the important   class  daycare centers for working mothers. Besides
 and shareholders have  placed in us. Safeguarding their   means for our engagement with this category of stakeholders.  monetary compensation, Interloop provides long-term
 interest is our prime responsibility. Our investors and   employment benefits, scholarships for employees’ children,
 shareholders’ interest  revolves around good returns,   health benefits, sports  facilities  for physical fitness,  free
 profitability, growth and regulatory compliances. We respond   Suppliers and Vendors  transportation,  subsidized meals and organizes  multiple
 to their expectations through improvement in business   Our sustainable growth is also attributable to engaging   social events for employees. Along with regular meetings,
 mechanics, effective  governance and corporate reporting   reputed and dependable suppliers  & vendors as   communication takes place through emails, company
 framework. Annual General Meetings and statutory reporting   business  partners for supply of raw material, industrial   notices, intranet and online media.
 are the most effective means of our engagement with our   inputs, equipment and machinery. We believe  in strategic
 investors & shareholders.  Support of shareholders  and   relationships and have  developed strong connections
 investors is critical in achieving the company objectives.  Local Community & General
 with top local and international  vendors in the industry.
 Our Procurement & Supplies team stays in continuous
 Investors’ Grievance Policy  contact with suppliers and vendors through meetings and   Public
 correspondences to resolve all issues for on time deliveries,
 The Company has a Investors’ Grievance Policy in place. Any   any concerns about terms and conditions  and timely   Interloop’s Mission and reason for existence  is to bring
 complaints  or  observations  received either directly by the   payments.  about a positive change in the community. To pursue this
 Corporate Affairs  Department or during General Meetings   cause,  Interloop has  invested heavily in  the community.
 are addressed by the Company Secretary. The Shareholders   Customers  Its main areas of focus include Education, Sports, Literary
 are given the information as desired by them and as per the   Activities, Health Care  and Disaster Relief. The company
 law. All written complaints are responded in writing.  Developing  and sustaining  long term relationships  with   has long term KPIs and every year a CSR spending target
 our customers forms the  key  to our business success.   is fixed  and implemented  through an organized system.
               The management encourages  hiring  workforce including
 Minority Shareholders  Their expectations are  focused on product quality, pricing   women  from local vicinities and considers engaging less
 and service  delivery. While  our Operations teams focus
 The management of the company believes, encourages and   on producing top quality products according  to customer   privileged  and special persons. The company’s social
 ensures the equitable treatment of all shareholders including   specifications, our Sales and Merchandising teams remain   and  environmental initiatives  are aligned  with Sustainable
 minority shareholders. Company ficilitates all share holders to   in close contact  with this stakeholder segment to resolve   Development Goals  of United Nations  Development
 attend, speak and vote at the General Meetings and appoint   issues, if any, on a priority basis. We  continue to engage   Programme.
 another member as his/her proxy in his/her absence. The   with our customers through meetings, plant visits and other
 notices of General Meetings are circulated by the company   communications.  We derive success from our scale of   Media
 within the regulatory timeframes to the registered addresses   production, flexibility of order sizes processing, variety and
 of the shareholders (including minority shareholders) as well   quality of products and customer servicing.  Different communication mediums are used  to apprise the
 as published in Urdu and English newspapers.  general public about new  developments, hiring, various
               activities and social & environmental initiatives of Interloop
 Investor Relations Section  Regulators  Limited. This creates effective awareness about the company
 To keep transparency in the  relationship between  the   Our commitment to compliance with laws and regulations   and a positive corporate brand image.
 company and its shareholders,  the website of Interloop   is evident from our Corporate and Legal team‘s continued
 Limited (  contains  all major financial   efforts for efficient  and effective  legal  and regulatory
 information needed  for investors’ decision making  in  a   conformity. The engagement includes submission  of
 separate tab.  periodic reports, communicating through letters and emails
 and responding  to enquiries and meetings as and when
 required. Active engagement with regulators improves level
 Banks and other  of compliance.

 Lenders  Our People

 We value our relationship  with our financial  partners and
 lenders who are engaged with the company on an on-going   Interloop’s commitment to its People, a dedicated and
 basis in relation to negotiation of rates, lending purposes,   competent workforce, is at the core of its human resource
 short term financing, deposits and investments. Banks are   strategy. We provide a nurturing and caring environment   2018 - 19
 to our  people where they give peak performance.  We
 Interloop Limited  payments to suppliers,  along with other disbursements  of   invest heavily in their professional and personal  trainings.   Annual Report
 also  consulted  on issues  linked with letters of credit and
 We  have  introduced family friendly policies and world-
 operational nature.  Periodic briefings, quarterly  financial

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