Page 47 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 47


 It  is a matter  of great  privilege for   Role of the Board of Directors
 me to present performance review   Despite the challenging macro-economic challenges and   3.  Setting annual goals and targets for the Management
 of Interloop Limited  and the  role   stiff global competition, the  company has increased its   4.  Overseeing Management’s performance and focusing
                                                                      on major risk areas
 played by the Board in achieving the   profitability through unrelenting efforts by the directors. The   5.  Evaluating significant Investments
               Board has played an effective role in devising an appropriate
 objectives of the  Company for the   strategy for the company to attain its objectives.   6.  Ensuring high standards of Corporate Governance to
 year ended June 30, 2019.   Interloop Limited has seven-member Board  of Directors   preserve stakeholders’ value
               which comprises of individuals with  diverse  backgrounds,   Furthermore,  all significant issues throughout the  year
 Economic Outlook  having core competencies, knowledge and expertise relevant   were presented before the Board  or  its  committees,  and
                                                                  particularly,  all related  party transactions of the  company
               to the business of the company. The Board is assisted by
               its sub-committees i.e., Audit Committee, Human Resource   were approved by the Board  on the recommendation  of
 During FY19 challenges to the macro-economy of Pakistan   & Remuneration Committee  and Nomination Committee.   the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee and  Human
 have continued to persist. Fiscal deficit further deteriorated   These sub-committees held meetings and reported to the   Resources and Remuneration Committee  met regularly to
 and while  the  current account gap relatively  improved, its   Board as per stipulations of the Listed Companies (Code of   strengthen the functions of the Board. The Board carried out
 sustainability remained a concern. The CPI on a YoY basis   Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2017.    its self-evaluation and identifed potential areas for further
 also soared by 8.89%  in June, 2019  over June, 2018  as         improvement, in line with global best practices.
 compared to 5.21% a year earlier. Pakistan’s GDP growth   I would like to share  that all  the Directors,  including
 moderated to 3.3% during FY19 after achieving a 13 year   Independent  Directors, fully participated and contributed   Finally, I would like to appreciate the valuable contributions
 high growth of 5.8% in FY18. With stabilization policies in   in the decision-making  process  of the Board.  The Board   made  by the Chief Executive Officer,  Management,  Staff
 place and the economy moving along the reforms agenda   times and Interloop was able to successfully raise PKR 5.02   performed its duties and responsibilities diligently, inter alia,   Members and Workers in achieving the  company’s
 as a result of IMF program, the country’s macroeconomic   billion, the highest by any private company in the history of   by:   objectives. I would also like to express gratitude to our Board
 indicators are expected to slowly revert to a stable trajectory.   Pakistan, placing Interloop amongst the top 50 companies   of Directors, Shareholders, Customers, Bankers, Regulatory
 In this process,  however, the real GDP growth is likely  to   listed on PSX, by market capitalization.  1.  Ensuring mission, vision and values of the company are   Authorities and other Stakeholders for their continued
 remain contained.      being followed                            support.
 I am also pleased to share that, by the grace of God, despite   2.  Effectively guiding the Company in its strategic affairs
 Textile industry continues to be the largest employer in the   unfavorable economic and  market  conditions, primarily
 manufacturing sector, however, industry has been struggling   impacted by deteriorating macro-economic  indicators,
 to cope up with the multiple challenges that are adversely   higher interest rates & increased inflationary  pressure,
 impacting the  progress both on the  external  and internal   during the year under review your company has been able
 fronts. The textile industry continues to face stiff competition   to achieve a Sales Turnover of Rs. 37.478 billion compared
 from China, India, Bangladesh,  Cambodia and other   to Rs. 31.139 billion during last year. The  net profit after tax
 emerging countries in the  region. With the  adjustment in   of the company is Rs. 5.195 billion compared to Rs. 3.886
 exchange rate & rationalization of energy rates, it is expected   billion of last year, that is an increase of 33.69% over last
 that overall situation for the  Textile  industry will improve.   year, driven by our better planning, efficient operations, and
                                                                                     Musadaq Zulqarnain
 Investment  for capacity enhancement  and modernization   favorable exchange rate. This accomplishment highlights   Faisalabad:   Musadaq Zulqarnain
 can result in  substantial growth in textile exports and create   the trust placed in us by our customers and the persistent   September 23, 2019                         Chairman
 additional jobs in the industry.   efforts and commitment of our people – our most valuable
 Business Performance
 This net profit translated into Earning per share (EPS) of Rs.
 I would like to congratulate Interloop Limited on completing   6.67 per share against Rs. 5.10 of last year.
 27 years of successful operations. During these years, the
 company has created consistent value for all stakeholders   Furthermore, the Company continued to play an important
 through impactful geographical  presence, proud history   part in the  economic growth of Pakistan by providing
 of customer trust amid simultaneously contributing  to the   employment opportunities,  earning foreign exchange and
 socio- economic development of Pakistan.   dealing with multiple vendors for buying of raw materials
 as well  as other services, directly or indirectly and by
 Interloop Limited was listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange   investing in community. Keeping in view  our Mission,  we
 (PSX) at a prestigious  Gong Ceremony, held on April 5,   pursue a Triple-P bottom line Sustainability Policy covering
 2019 at PSX, Karachi. In the process of Interloop Limited’s   People, Planet & Prosperity.  Interloop Limited is a business
 Initial Public Offering (IPO), Book Building was completed   for Purpose and is now  recognized  as one  of the  most
 on March 13 - 14, 2019. General public was offered shares   Responsible Manufacturer around the globe.               2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited  tough market conditions, the IPO was oversubscribed by 1.5                                        Annual Report
 on March 21 - 22, 2019  at Rs.46.10  per share. Despite

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