Page 49 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
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 The Directors of Interloop Limited are pleased to present the annual report of   During the year under review, the Board  of  Directors   Payless Shoe Source Inc. While financial loss was prevented
 the Company together with the audited financial statements of the Company   approved 300% Interim Bonus Shares in the proportion of 3   as receivables from this company were insured through a
                share(s) for every 1 share(s) held, followed by 12.5% Interim
                                                                  factoring company, sales revenue suffered a slight set back.
 for the year ended June 30, 2019.   Cash Dividend and allotted/paid to the shareholders within   Company’s sales and marketing teams have worked hard
                stipulated  time period,  in accordance  with the applicable   and secured two other customers to fill the gap during next
                laws & regulations.                               year.
 Textile & Apparel Sector and   The  Board of Directors of the  Company in  their  meeting   Operational results show that the  company achieved
 Economic Overview  held on 23  September, 2019 have proposed a final cash   revenue  growth of +20.36%  for the year ended June 30,
                dividend of Rs. 1.75 per share (i.e. 17.5%). This is in addition   2019 compared to preceding year. Sales revenue stood at
 Financial Year 2019 was a tough year for Pakistan due to   billion was from Textiles  & Apparel. According  to Textile   to Rs. 1.25 per share (i.e. 12.5%) first interim cash dividend   Rs. 37.478 billion (FY18: Rs. 31.139 billion).
 challenges to the macro-economy. Consolidation measures   Policy 2014-2019, Textile  exports were  to double i.e. from   already distributed; which make a total cash distribution of
 to tackle the challenges brought a lot of pressure on the   $13.0 billion to $ 26.0 billion, which could have created some   Rs. 3 (i.e.30%) for the year ended June 30, 2019.   Gross profit for the year stood at Rs. 11.954 billion (FY18:
 performance of business  and industry. After entering the   3.0 million additional jobs. Due  to unfavorable economic   Rs. 9.144 billion) whereas profit before taxation stood at Rs.
 IMF Program, Pakistan is now on the path of consolidation   conditions,  inconsistent government policies, shortage of   The proposed final cash dividend is subject to the approval   5.421 billion (FY18: Rs. 4.006 billion). The profit after tax for
 to tackle sizeable fiscal and current account deficits but the   energy and lack of investment to modernize and enhance   of members at the Annual General Meeting to be held on   the year under review was Rs. 5.195 billion (FY18: Rs. 3.886
 imbalances are expected to diminish slowly. The World Bank   capacity, Textile and Apparel exports have stagnated.   October 14, 2019. These financial statements do not include   billion) whereas earning per share (EPS) stood at Rs. 6.67
 estimates the country’s GDP growth rate to deteriorate to   the effect of above proposal which will be accounted for in   per share (FY18: Rs. 5.10) per share.
 2.7%  in 2019-20.  However, the consolidation  measures,   Despite all these challenges, your company, by the grace   the period it is approved by the members.
 coupled with other macro-economic improvements, are   of God Almighty, has been able to achieve a record Sales   Despite the factors stated earlier, the company performed
 likely to lead to an increase in the economic growth to 4% in   Turnover of Rs. 37.478  billion (FY18: PKR  31.139  billion).   Financial and Operational   with great resilience and  maintained  its position  in the
 the beginning in fiscal year 2020-21.  At the same time, Net Profit for the year has increased by   foreign markets. In the opinion of the directors, the results
 33.69% over the corresponding year.  Performance                 of the operations of the company during the said financial
 Textile & Apparel industry contributes 57% percent of total   By  the  grace of God Almighty, the  year  has ended  on a   year were not substantially affected by any item, transaction
 export volumes and 8.50% of the GDP of Pakistan. Annual          or event of a material and unusual nature other than what
 Export during FY18 stood at $25.0 billion out of which $13.53   positive note for the company with better performances   has been mentioned in this report. Directors believe that the
                both operationally as well  as financially. Machinery has   company will be able to achieve even better results in the
                been added with the prime objective of reducing imbalance   next financial year.
 Operating Results   and inefficiencies, reducing utilities and maintenance
                requirements and produce additional value-added material
 The summary of operating results for the year and appropriation of divisible profits is given below:  and finished products.   Business Segments

 2019  2018                                                       The management of the company has determined  the
                                                                  operating  segments based  on the information  that is
 (Rs. In Millions)  Vertical Analysis                             presented to the Board of Directors of the company, for
                                                                  allocation  of resources and assessment of performance.
 Sales – net  37,478.32  31,138.74
                                     2019           2018          Segment performance  is  generally evaluated based  on
 Gross profit  11,954.71  9,144.50                                certain key  performance indicators including business
 EBITDA  7,960.92  5,903.89             Percentage                volume and gross profit.
 Profit before Tax  5,420.98  4,005.77  Gross profit  31.90  29.37
                                                                  Based on internal management reporting structure and
 Less : Tax Expense  226.22  119.95  Operating profit  17.10  14.42
                                                                  products produced and sold, the company is organized into
 Profit after Tax  5,194.77  3,885.81  Profit before tax  14.46  12.86  the following operating segments:
 Unappropriated profit brought forward  7,142.57  12,522.99  Profit after tax  13.86  12.48
                                                                  a -  Hosiery - This segment relates to the sale of socks &
 Profit available for Appropriations  5,001.94  3,794.50  EBITDA  21.24  18.96  tights
                                                                  b -  Spinning - This segment relates to the sale of yarn
                                                                  c -  Other Operating Segments - This  represents various
  - Interim dividend 2017   950.55  Performance of the company during the year remained good   segments of the company which currently do not
  - Payment under swap arrangement   8,224.37  in spite of all the challenges like pressure on export selling   meet  the minimum reporting threshold mentioned in
                prices, shortage of gas, increase in minimum wages, lack of   international financial reporting standards. These mainly
  - Bonus Shares 2018      5,688.06                                   include domestic sales, energy, yarn dyeing, denim and
                timely sales tax refunds by Government, etc.
  - Interim dividend 2018  1,090.25                                   active-wear.
 Unappropriated profit carried forward  5,366.21  7,142.57  At the same time, adjustment of exchange rate had a       2018 - 19
                favorable impact on company’s profits.  During the year
 Interloop Limited  Earnings per share – Diluted (Rs.)  6.67  5.10  under review, company sales suffered a slight set back due   Annual Report
 Earnings per share – Basic (Rs.)
                to filling of Bankruptcy by one  of the  customers, namely

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