Page 53 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
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3. Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently   Meetings of the Board of Directors &   by the Board. Audit Committee reviews the internal control   Material Changes
 applied in preparation of the financial statements and   system on quarterly basis, in accordance with its terms of
 accounting estimates are based on reasonable and   Committees  reference.  There have been no material changes since June 30, 2019
 prudent judgment  Since Interloop Limited became listed on the Pakistan   to date of the report and the company has not entered into
    4. International Financial Reporting Standards, as   Stock Exchange on April  5,  2019,  the information  on the   Pattern of Shareholding  any  commitment  during this period which would have  an
 applicable  in Pakistan,  have been followed in   meetings of the Board of Directors of the company is being   adverse impact on the financial position of the company.
 preparation of financial statements and any departure   shared from date of formal listing. Two meetings of Board of   Two statements of the  pattern of shareholding as at June
 there from has been adequately disclosed  Directors and one meeting each of Audit Committee and HR   30, 2019, for Ordinary Shares, & Non-Voting Ordinary Shares   Description of Principal Risks
    5. A mission statement, vision and overall corporate   & Remuneration Committee  were held respectively during   respectively, which are required to be disclosed under the
 strategy for the  company is prepared, adopted and   the year after listing on PSX. Attendance by the directors/  reporting framework, are annexed to this report.  & Uncertainties
 reviewed as  and when deemed appropriate  by the   members is as follows:
 Board         DirectorsÍ Remuneration                            We expect no principal risks & uncertainties as at the closing
    6. The system of internal control is sound in design and      period of June 30, 2019.
 has been effectively implemented and monitored  Board of Directors:  The remuneration of the Board  members is approved by
    7. There are no significant  doubts upon the  company’s      »   Musadaq Zulqarnain (Chairman)    2  the Board itself. However, in accordance with the code of   Business Risks, Challenges
 ability to continue as a going concern     »   Navid Fazil (Chief Executive Officer)   2  corporate governance, it is ensured that no Director takes
    8. There has  been no  material  departure from  the best      »   Jahan Zeb Khan Banth   2  part in deciding his own remuneration. The company does   And Future Outlook
 practices of corporate governance as detailed in the      »   Muhammad Maqsood   2  not pay remuneration to non-executive directors except fee
 listing regulations     »   Shereen Aftab   0  for attending the meetings.  While observing the rise in immense global competition in
    »   Saeed Ahmad Jabal   2                                     textiles, including speed to market requirements by retailers
                                                                  and brands, the company has to keep an eye on the shift in
 Composition of Board of      »   Tariq Iqbal Khan   2  External Auditors   sourcing patterns. This can be effectively mitigated through
 Directors  Audit Committee:  The present auditors M/s. Kreston Hyder Bhimji & Company,   efficiency improvements & interventions in supply chain thus
                                                                  reducing lead times.
               Chartered Accountants, are retiring and being eligible, offer
 Interloop Limited has seven member (6 Male & 1 Female)      »   Tariq Iqbal Khan (Chairman)    1  themselves for re-appointment. The Board  of Directors   With the present economic conditions that are expected to
 Board  of Directors which comprises  of individuals  with      »   Saeed Ahmad Jabal   1  proposes the re-appointment of M/s. Kreston Hyder Bhimji   prevail for foreseeable period, the company aims to develop
 diverse backgrounds having core competencies, knowledge      »   Jahan Zeb Khan Banth    1  & Company, Chartered Accountants, as the auditors until the   and implement  measures that will enable the  company
 and expertise relevant to the business  of the company.   next Annual General Meeting.  to minimize the adverse effects. We feel, in today’s highly
 The  Board is assisted by  its sub-committees i.e., Audit        competitive global environment, the textile sector in Pakistan
 Committee, Human Resource and Remuneration Committee   HR & Remuneration Committee:   Health, Safety & Environment   needs to upgrade its supply chain, improve productivity, and
 and  Nomination Committee. These sub-committees  held            maximize value-addition to be able to survive in the global
 meetings and reported to the Board as per stipulations of      »   Saeed Ahmad Jabal (Chairman)   1  Health, Safety & Environment is our core value. We take pride   market.
 the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)      »   Navid Fazil   1  in our practices and will ensure that we run safe operations
 Regulations, 2017.  The diverse mix of gender, knowledge,      »   Jahan Zeb Khan Banth    1  and are not a source of environmental degradation.  The
 expertise and skill sets of the members enhances the   health and safety of our employees, the safety of our assets,   Consolidated Financial
 effectiveness  of our Board. Our  Board composition   the  security of our operations and healthy  environment   Statement
 represents the interests of all categories of shareholders and   Related Party Transaction   always  remain among  the top priorities  of  the company.
 it consists of :  Safety is an all-encompassing priority for the company, from   Consolidated  financial  statements for  the period ended
 and Transfer Pricing  the Board down to the business units.      June 30, 2019 of the company and its subsidiary IL Apparel
    »  Independent Directors    2  It is the policy of the company to ensure that all transactions   (Private) Limited are annexed.
    »  Other Non-Executive Directors   3  entered with related parties  must be at arm’s  length. The   Corporate Social
    »  Executive Directors    2
 company has fully complied with best practices on Transfer   Responsibility   Acknowledgment
 Pricing as contained in the Listing Regulations of Pakistan
 In order to adopt and adhere to the best practices of the   Stock Exchange while executing all transactions with related   The Directors would like to thank all stakeholders of the
 Code of Corporate Governance regulations, the company,   party.  The company is committed towards fulfilling its Corporate   company including, customers, shareholders, vendors,
 prior to  filing of listing application with the PSX, appointed   Social Responsibility (CSR) and actively takes part in social   government agencies, bankers & all other business
 Tariq Iqbal Khan and  Saeed Ahmad Jabal as Independent   work programs. During the year under review, as part of our   associates for their continued support during the year. We
 Directors of the company, followed by appointment of Jahan   Adequacy of Internal   CSR program, substantial  contribution was made in the   place on record our appreciation for the contributions made
 Zeb Khan Banth as Non-Executive Director in place of the   education, health, culture and sports sectors.  by the employees at all level.
 casual  vacancy created by the outgoing  Director of the   Financial Controls
 company.                                                         F
                                                                  For & on behalf of the Board of Directorsor & on behalf of the Board of Directors
                                                                  For & on behalf of the Board of Directors
 The company has  established  an effective and efficient
 Furthermore, during the period under consideration, Navid   system of internal financial controls to safeguard the assets   2018 - 19
 of the company, prevent  and detect  fraud and ensure
 Fazil was appointed as  the Chief Executive Officer of the
 Interloop Limited  company w.e.f. September  8, 2018  to fill up the  casual   compliance  with all statutory  and legal requirements.   Faisalabad:   Chief Executive Officer      Jahan Zeb Khan Banth  Annual Report
 The internal control  structure  is regularly reviewed and
                                                                                    Jahan Zeb Khan Banth
                                                         Navid Fazil
 vacancy caused by resignation of Musadaq Zulqarnain.
                                                         Navid Fazil
 monitored by the Internal Audit function,  duly established
               September 23, 2019
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