Page 61 - Interloop Annual Report 2018-2019
P. 61



 Annual Performance Report on Offer and Administration of the   No. of Shares Outstanding                 Latest
 Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) - Interloop Limited at   Option Pool                                      130,410,000
 June 30, 2019  *15% of Latest Paid up Capital

 Following is the summary of the options granted till to date:
                No. of Shares Outstanding                                                                  Latest
 Interloop Limited - Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS)
                Grant of Option        2015-2016 (i)                                                    1,041,715
 Financial Year  2015-2016 (i)  2015-2016 (ii)  2016-2017 (i)  2016-2017 (ii)
                Grant of Option        2015-2016 (ii)                                                     637,387
 Date of Grant  2/9/2016  3/2/2017  7/2/2018  21/2/2018
                Grant of Option        2016-2017 (i)                                                     888,195
 Date of Entitlement  1/9/2016  31/1/2017  31/1/2018  31/1/2018
                Grant of Option        2016-2017 (ii)                                                     44,173
 Share Price (Option Price) - Breakup Price as per   49.67  65.70  76.04  76.04  Options Granted        2,612,010
 latest Audited Accounts
                Balance Available in Option Pool                                                      127,797,990
 Weighted Average Price i.e. Exercise Price in Rs. Per   N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
 Revised Price i.e. Exercise Price in Rs. Per Share   N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
 Minimum Vesting Period : from  3/9/2016  4/2/2017  8/2/2018  22/2/2018
 Minimum Vesting Period : to  2/3/2017  3/2/2018  7/2/2019  21/2/2019
 Exercise Option Period : from  3/3/2017  4/2/2018  8/2/2019  22/2/2019
 Exercise Option Period : to  2/3/2018  3/2/2019  7/2/2020  21/2/2020
 Share Outstanding (at the Date of Grant)  189,600,000  189,600,000  189,600,000  189,600,000
 Grant of Option as % of Shares Outstanding  0.55%  0.34%  0.47%  0.02%
 No. of Options Granted  1,041,715  637,387  888,195  44,713
 No. of Options Exercised  338,499  171,924  319,097  44,713
 No. of Options Declined / Lapsed but subsequently   Nil  N/A  426,460  N/A
 No. of Options Lapsed / Declined - (and subsequentlly   703,216  465,463  742,219  N/A
 NOT Offered)
 Maximum option granted to a single employee  18,875  11,415  13,315  44,713
 No. of Shares Issued (Pursuant to exercise of options   338,499  171,924  745,557  44,713
 granted & offered)

 Status  Closed  Excerciseable Vesting Period
 No. of Employees  1,507  823  0
 Minimum Lock Period  3 years  3 years  3 years

 Summary - Til Date
 No. of Options Vested  2,612,010
 No. of Options Exercised  874,233
 No. of Options Declined / Lapsed but subsequentlly Offered  426,460                                                  2018 - 19
 Interloop Limited  No. of Options Lapsed / Declined - (and subsequentlly NOT Offered)  1,300,693                     Annual Report
 No. of Shares Issued (Pursuant to exercise of options granted & offered)

 58                                                                                                                  59
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66