Page 182 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 182



            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

                   27.1.3  Amounts charged in the statement of
                          profit or loss are as follows:
                          Cost of sales                                                 670,052       440,739
                          Distribution expenses                                          22,569        14,368
                          Administrative expenses                                        90,656        67,726
                                                                                        783,277       522,833

                   27.1.4  Total remeasurement chargeable to
                          other comprehensive income
                          Remeasurement of plan obligation:
                          Actuarial (income)/ losses from changes
                          in financial assumptions                                     (222,019)       97,569
                          Experience adjustments                                        219,304        95,256
                                                                                         (2,715)      192,825

                                                                                      2020           2019
                   27.1.5  Principal actuarial assumptions used
                          Discount rate used for profit and loss charge                 14.50%        10.00%
                          Discount rate for year end obligation                          9.25%        14.50%
                          Salary increase used for year end obligation
                          Salary increase for FY 2020                                     N/A         14.00%
                          Salary increase for FY 2021                                    0.00%        14.00%
                          Salary increase for FY 2022                                    9.00%        14.00%
                          Salary increase for FY 2023                                    9.00%        14.00%
                          Salary increase for FY 2024                                    9.00%        14.00%
                          Salary increase for FY 2025                                    9.00%        14.00%
                          Salary increase for FY 2026 onward                             9.00%        14.00%
                          Demographic assumption

                          Mortality rates (for deaths in service)                         SLIC          SLIC
                                                                                     2001–2005     2001–2005
                                                                                   Setback 1 year   Setback 1 year
                          Retirement assumption                                        60 years      60 years

                   27.1.6  The expected contribution to defined benefit obligation for the year ending June 30, 2021 will be Rs. 825.136

                   27.1.7  Sensitivity analysis
                          The calculation of the defined benefit obligation is sensitive to assumptions set out above. The following
                          table summarizes how the impact on the defined benefit obligation at the end of the reporting period would
                          have increased / (decreased) as a result of a change in respective assumptions by 100 bps.
                                                                                      2020           2019
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                          Discount rate + 100 bps                                     (2,792,109)    (2,232,532)
                          Discount rate – 100 bps                                     3,529,169      2,781,833
                          Salary change + 100 bps                                     3,535,318      2,785,405
                          Salary change – 100 bps                                     (2,780,665)    (2,225,007)

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