Page 187 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 187



               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                       34.3   Salaries, wages and benefits include Rs. 7.989 million (2019: Rs. 6.321 million) in respect of the provident
                              fund contribution.
                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                           Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
               35.     DISTRIBUTION COST
                       Staff salaries and benefits                         35.1            223,008        193,008
                       Staff retirement gratuity                          27.1.3            22,569         14,368
                       Sea and air freight                                                 109,914         50,145
                       Shipping expenses                                                   522,238        623,785
                       Selling commission                                                  920,996      1,757,956
                       Export development surcharge                                         85,451         83,243
                       Marketing and advertisement                                         122,609         60,817
                       Others                                                                  479           397
                                                                                          2,007,264     2,783,719

                       35.1   Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 1.173 million (2019: Rs. 0.961 million) in respect of the provident fund

                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                           Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

               36.     ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES
                       Staff salaries and benefits                       36.1 & 36.2      1,221,687     1,057,212
                       Directors’ remuneration                                              58,703         96,362
                       Staff retirement gratuity                          27.1.3            90,656         67,726
                       Postage and communication                                            43,596         38,675
                       Electricity, gas and water                                           25,532         22,135
                       Rent, rates and taxes                                               113,983        113,939
                       Printing and stationery                                              67,380         62,475
                       Travelling and conveyance                                            88,456        114,448
                       Vehicles running and maintenance                                     22,785         23,846
                       Legal and professional charges                                       122,213        73,982
                       Repairs and maintenance                                              37,379         45,870
                       Auditors’ remuneration                              36.3              3,975          2,875
                       Insurance                                                            18,780         17,951
                       Entertainment                                                        61,326         51,791
                       Advertisement                                                        11,839         17,557
                       Newspapers and periodicals                                              559          1,189
                       Depreciation                                        8.1.2           179,591        150,770
                       Depreciation on right of use assets                 8.3.1             4,364             –
                       Amortization                                        9.1.1             9,354          9,047
                       Others                                                               15,791         16,359
                                                                                          2,197,949      1,984,209

                       36.1   Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. 5.903 million (2019: Rs. 4.746 million) in respect of the provident fund

                       36.2   Staff salaries and benefits include Rs. Nil (2019: Rs. 5.031 million) in respect of employees’ share option
                              compensation expense.

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