Page 195 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 195



               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                       These projects were planned to finance through issuance of share capital to general public and financing from banks.
                       For this purpose, the Company carried out a successful IPO last year and had secured islamic long term finance
                       facilities from banks. During the year, estimated cost of denim division has been revised due to devaluation of PKR
                       and trial run losses. The increase is being financed through internal cash generation. Detail of the proceeds from IPO
                       and financing required is classified as under;

                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                                       (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                       Proceeds from IPO                                                  5,024,900     5,024,900
                       Financing from banks                                               6,229,523     6,229,523
                       Internally generated funds                                         1,574,577            –
                                                                                         12,829,000     11,254,423

                       The implementation report of the projects as on June 30, 2020 is as under;

                                                                     Denim Division          Hosiery Division–V
                                                                 Amount      POs issued    Amount     POs issued
                                                                  utilized     / LCs       utilized      / LCs
                                                                             established              established
                                                                                  (Rupees ‘000)
                       Land and building                          2,396,364     353,523      270,261           –
                       Plant and machinery                        2,680,059     292,168      736,346       17,086
                       Power and utilities                         898,496       77,623       23,600           –
                       Computer and IT equipment                   177,478        2,994           –            –
                       Miscellaneous expenses                      141,941       13,979        9,184          17
                       Trial run losses                            449,927           –            –            –
                                                                  6,744,265     740,287     1,039,391      17,103

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