Page 219 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 219


               CHANGES IN EQUITY

               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                             Attributable to Shareholders of the Parent
                                                       Capital     Revenue Reserves
                                                       Reserve                                       Non
                                                Share                                Sub–total   Total   Controlling   Total
                                                Capital  Share   Share Option   Unappropriated                 reserves  Interest
                                                       Premium  Compensation   Profit  Translation
                                                               Reserve       Reserves
                                                                            (Rupees ‘000)
               Balance as at June 30, 2018      1,901,104     30,255     8,608    6,860,264     16,051    6,915,178    8,816,282    –      8,816,282
               Profit for the year                  –       –       –      5,060,551    –     5,060,551    5,060,551    –      5,060,551
               Other comprehensive income/(loss)    –       –       –     (192,825)    36,569     (156,256)    (156,256)    –      (156,256)
               Total comprehensive income for the year   –       –       –      4,867,726     36,569    4,904,295    4,904,295    –     4,904,295
               Transactions with owners:
               Dividend to ordinary shareholders    –       –       –     (1,090,247)   –      (1,090,247)   (1,090,247)   –   (1,090,247)
                                                    –       –       –    (1,090,247)   –     (1,090,247)   (1,090,247)   –     (1,090,247)
               Employee Stock Option Scheme         –       –       18    –       –        18     18    –      18
               Shares issued under ESOS           7,558     27,523     (8,626)   –       –        18,897     26,455    –     26,455
               Issuance of ordinary shares      1,095,000    3,934,900    –       –        –     3,934,900    5,029,900    –    5,029,900
               Transaction cost on issuance of shares    –      (170,820)    –       –        –       (170,820)    (170,820)   –     (170,820)
               Issuance of bonus shares         5,718,313     (30,255)   –     (5,688,058)   –    (5,718,313)   –   –    –
               Balance as at June 30, 2019      8,721,975    3,791,603    –      4,949,685     52,620    8,793,908    17,515,883    –    17,515,883
               Profit for the year                  –       –       –      1,125,927    –     1,125,927    1,125,927    –      1,125,927
               Other comprehensive income           –       –       –      3,955     26,424     30,379     30,379    –      30,379
               Total comprehensive income for the year   –       –       –      1,129,882     26,424    1,156,306    1,156,306    –   1,156,306
               Transactions with owners:
               Dividend to ordinary shareholders    –       –       –      (2,398,543)   –    (2,398,543)   (2,398,543)   –     (2,398,543)
                                                    –       –       –      (2,398,543)   –   (2,398,543)   (2,398,543)   –     (2,398,543)
               Effect of initial application of IFRS–16    –       –       –      (8,535)   –      (8,535)    (8,535)   –       (8,535)
               Balance as at June 30, 2020      8,721,975    3,791,603    –      3,672,489     79,044    7,543,136    16,265,111    –     16,265,111
               The annexed notes 1 to 56 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

               Chief Executive Officer                        Director                            Chief Financial Officer

   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224