Page 217 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 217


               PROFIT OR LOSS

               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                           Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

               Sales - net                                                  34           36,797,159     37,511,062
               Cost of sales                                                35          (29,223,185)    (25,643,715)
               Gross profit                                                               7,573,974     11,867,347

               Operating expenses
                 Distribution cost                                          36           (2,065,448)    (2,794,393)
                 Administrative expenses                                    37           (2,321,879)    (2,028,640)
                 Other operating expenses                                   38             (514,467)     (714,202)
                                                                                         (4,901,794)    (5,537,235)
               Other income                                                 39              99,001         14,444
               Profit from operations                                                     2,771,181     6,344,556
                 Finance cost                                               40           (1,200,783)     (999,260)
                 Share of loss from associate                              11.1            (119,964)      (58,485)
               Profit before taxation                                                     1,450,434     5,286,811
                 Taxation                                                   41             (324,507)     (226,260)
               Profit for the year                                                        1,125,927     5,060,551

               Attributable to:
                 Shareholders of parent company                                           1,125,927     5,060,551
                 Non- controlling interest                                                       –             –
                                                                                          1,125,927     5,060,551
               Earnings per share - basic and diluted (Rupees)              42                1.29          6.50

               The annexed notes 1 to 56 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

               Chief Executive Officer                        Director                            Chief Financial Officer

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