Page 261 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 261



               For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                          2020          2019
                                                                           Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

                       37.3   Auditors’ remuneration
                              Annual audit fee                                               3,525          1,950
                              Other certification                                             100            400
                              Half yearly review                                               600           500
                              Out of pocket expenses                                           150           150
                                                                                             4,375          3,000

               38.     OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES
                       Exchange loss - net                                                  37,067        15,272
                       Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment   9.1.1            21,665         47,553
                       Inventory write-off                                                   7,125             –
                       Realized loss on derivative financial instruments                   112,220             –
                       Charity and donations                               38.1            175,000        350,176
                       Workers’ profit participation fund                  29.3            112,527        285,315
                       Workers’ welfare fund                                                43,570             –
                       Realized/ remeasurment loss on mutual funds         38.2              5,293         15,886
                                                                                           514,467        714,202
                       38.1   Charity and donations
                              Donations include the following in which a director or his spouse has an interest;

                              Name of Donee        Interest    Name of                    2020          2019
                              in Donee             Director                           (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                              Interloop Welfare Trust   Trustees   Mr. Navid Fazal         169,369         99,223
                                                              Mr. Musadaq Zulqarnain
                                                              Mrs. Sheren Aftab
                                                              Mr. Jahanzeb Khan Banth
                                                              Mr. Muhammad Maqsood

                       38.2   Loss on mutual funds measured at fair value
                              through profit or loss;
                              Remeasurement loss on investment in mutual funds – fair
                                value through profit or loss                                    –          20,787

                              Realised loss on investment in mutual funds – fair
                                value through profit or loss                                 6,496           915

                              Dividend income on investment in mutual funds – fair
                                value through profit or loss                                 (1,203)       (5,816)
                                                                                             5,293         15,886

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