Page 262 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
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            For the year ended June 30, 2020

                                                                                       2020          2019
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

            39.    OTHER INCOME
                   Income from financial assets
                   Interest on loan to Metis Internation Pvt. Limited                     1,356         7,211
                   Profit on term deposit receipts (TDRs)                                36,175         1,437
                   Profit on term finance certificates (TFCs)                            55,606
                   Interest on receivables from IL Bangla Limited                         5,796         5,796

                   Income from non–financial assets
                   Scrap Sale                                                               68             –
                                                                                         99,001        14,444

            40.    FINANCE COST
                   Mark up on:
                   Short term borrowings                                                648,711       555,942
                   Long term financing                                                  381,138       315,730
                   Interest on workers’ profit participation fund      29.3               2,815        21,425
                   Lease finance charges                                                 19,916            14
                   Bank charges and commission                                          148,203       106,149
                                                                                       1,200,783      999,260

            41.    TAXATION
                   Current                                             41.1             327,066       226,260
                   Prior years                                                           (2,559)           –
                                                                                        324,507       226,260

                   41.1   The Company is chargeable to tax under section 154 and 169 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and no
                          temporary differences are expected to arise in the foreseeable future. Therefore, provision for deferred tax is
                          not required. Reconciliation of tax expense and product of accounting profit multiplied by the applicable tax
                          rate is also not required in view of presumptive taxation.

                   41.2   Section 5A of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 imposes tax at the rate of 5% on every public company other
                          than a scheduled bank or Modaraba, that derives profits for a tax year but does not distribute at least 20%
                          of accounting profit through cash dividend within six months of the end of said tax year.

                          The group has distributed sufficient cash dividend, for the year ended June 30, 2019, which complies with the
                          above stated requirements. Accordingly, no provision for tax on undistributed profits has been recognized in
                          the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020.

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