Page 4 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 4


             Company Overview &                                Risks & Opportunities
             External Environment
                                                               Risk Management Policy                     46
             Mission, Vision 2020                       06     Risk Governance                            46
             Core Values                                07
                                                               Risks & Mitigation Strategies              46
             Key Performance Indicators 2020            08
                                                               Opportunities & Materialization Strategies  49
             Code of Conduct                            10
                                                               Inadequacy in the Capital Structure        49
             Our Footprint                              12
             Our Journey                                14
             Corporate Information                      16
                                                               Board of Directors                         52
             Company Profile                            18
                                                               Board Committees                           54
             Group Structure                            19
                                                               Management Committee                       55
             Organizational Structure                   20
                                                               Chairman’s Review Report                   56
             Business Categories                        21
                                                               Directors’ Report                          58
             Business Model                             28
                                                               Directors’ Report (Urdu)                   71
             Position within the Value Chain            30
                                                               Corporate Governance                       74
             Stakeholder Engagement                     32
                                                               Statement of Compliance                    77
             Significant Factors affecting the External
             Environment                                34     Independent Review Report to the Members on   81
                                                               Statement of Compliance
             Significant Changes from Prior Years       35
                                                               Information System & Control               82
             Seasonality of Business                    35
                                                               Pandemic Recovery Policy & Plan            84
             Composition of Local vs Imported Material  36

             Competitive Landscape & Market Positioning  36
                                                               Performance & Position
             Global Recognition                         37
                                                               Key Financial Ratios                       88
                                                               Graphical Representation & Commentary on
             Strategy & Resource Allocation                    Financial Ratios                           89
             Corporate Strategy                         40     Dupont Chart                               90
             Management Objectives, Strategies & Resource      Dupont Analysis                            91
             Allocation                                 40
                                                               Share Price Sensitivity Analysis           92
             Liquidity Risk Strategy                    42
                                                               Last Six Years Statement of Financial Position  93
             Plans & Decisions                          42
                                                               Horizontal Analysis on Statement of Financial   94
             Significant Changes in Objectives & Strategies   42  Position

             SWOT Analysis                              43     Vertical Analysis on Statement of Financial Position  95
                                                               Commentary on Analysis of Statement of Financial   96
                                                               Last Six Years Statement of Profit & Loss  97

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