Page 5 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 5

Horizontal Analysis on Statement of Profit & Loss  97  Unconsolidated Statement of Financial Position  144
                Vertical Analysis on Statement of Profit & Loss  98   Unconsolidated Statement of Profit or Loss  145
                Commentary on Analysis of Statement of Profit &       Unconsolidated Statement of Comprehensive   146
                Loss                                       98         Income
                Last Six Years Statement of Cash Flows     99         Unconsolidated Statement of Changes in   147
                Horizontal Analysis on Statement of Cash Flows  99    Unconsolidated Statement of Cash Flow  148
                Vertical Analysis on Statement of Cash Flows  99      Notes to the Unconsolidated Financial   150
                Graphical Representation of Financial Statements   100  Consolidated Financial Statements

                Quarterly Analysis                        101         Directors' Report on the Consolidated Financial
                                                                      Statement                             208
                Statement of Cash Flows using Direct Method  102
                                                                      Independent Auditors' Report on the   209
                Statement of Value Addition & Distribution  103       Consolidated Financial Statements
                                                                      Consolidated Statement of Financial Position  214
                Last Six Years Free Cash Flows            104
                Economic Value Added                      104         Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss   215
                Management's Responsibility towards the Financial   105  Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive   216
                Statements                                            Income
                Explanation of Negative Changes in Performance   105  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity  217
                over the Period
                                                                      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow   218
                Consolidated Operations & Segmental Review  105
                                                                      Notes to the Consolidated Financial   220

                                                                   Shareholders’ Information
                Forward Looking Statement                 108
                                                                   Notice of Annual General Meeting         280

                Sustainability & Corporate Social                  Statement Under Section 166(3) of the Companies   287
                                                                   Act, 2017
                Responsibility                                     Statement Under Section 134(3) of the Companies
                                                                   Act, 2017                                287
                Sustainability at Interloop               112
                                                                   Notice of Annual General Meeting (Urdu)  293
                People                                    113
                                                                   Pattern of Shareholding                  294
                Planet                                    124
                                                                   Pattern of Non-Voting Shareholding       296
                Prosperity                                130
                                                                   Information for Shareholders             297
                Certifications & Memberships              131
                                                                   Interloop Limited - Form of Proxy        299

                                                                   Interloop Limited - Form of Proxy (Urdu)  300
                Financial Statements

                Unconsolidated Financial Statements
                    Report of Audit Committees on Listed
                    Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)   136
                    Regulation, 2020
                    Independent Auditor's Report on       138
                    Unconsolidated Financial Statements

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