Page 42 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 42


            To strengthen our position as a leading apparel manufacturer, capturing greater share in the existing Hosiery market and
            expanding business in new markets. Use our deep relationships with global brands & retailers and our manufacturing
            expertise to diversify into adjacent apparel categories, offering a one-stop solution to our customers.

            Management Objectives, Strategies & Resource Allocation

                                  Increase                      Drive                      Improve
              Objectives         Profitable                  Operational                    Quality
                                  Turnover                    Efficiency

                        Grow sales by onboarding new   Efficiently managing our cost base by   Improve our quality management
                        customers in Hosiery and diversifying   focusing on improving productivity,   processes and systems driving
                        into adjacent product categories   reducing input costs, improving   efficiency through standardization
                        including Denim, Seamless and   equipment efficiency, reducing   and automation, using preventive
                        Knitwear                    wastage and improving our energy   and ultimately predictive solutions to
                                                    efficiency                   achieve 100% pass rates

               Nature   Medium-Long Term            Short-Medium Term            Medium Term

               Priority  High                       Medium                       High
                        Financial Capital (investment in   Human Capital (deploying teams   Human Capital (deploying trained
                        new manufacturing plants and new   on transformation projects and   teams on process improvement, gate
                        categories)                 onboarding SMEs on continuous   controls and team member training
                        Human and Intellectual Capital   improvement projects)   to prevent occurrence and flow
                        (deploying experienced leadership   Financial Capital (investing in teams’   prevention)
                        teams to new ventures as well as   learning & development on lean tools   Manufactured Capital (installing
              Resources   acquiring subject matter expertise   and manufacturing excellence)  automation tools to prevent machine
                        from national and global talent pool)                    defects at source and automate
                                                    Manufactured Capital (investment
                        Social and Relationship Capital   in efficient and modern equipment   quality control through real time data
                                                                                 collection and monitoring)
                        (international apparel associations,   requiring less workforce and energy
                        presence at global seminars/  as well as automation tools including
                        conferences and other marketing   Robotic Process Automation, Block
                        campaigns)                  Chain, etc.)
                KPIs    Sales in USD/ROE            Net Margin/COGS/OEE/Wastage  Quality Index (Defects Rate)
                        Global apparel manufacturing is   Cost pressures continue to impact   Pakistan continues to be strong in
                        shifting with increased focus on   manufacturers around the world.   cotton-based products. However,
                        untapped sourcing regions including   With new countries of origin, coming   cotton from regions like Turkey
                        Pakistan. Pakistan’s access to GSP+   up in Africa and elsewhere, offering   offers quality and cost advantage
                        is a source of competitive advantage,   a cost advantage, it is important to   to competition. Also, shift in global
                        however, withdrawal in the status or   invest in maintaining our operational   consumption pattern to more MMF/
                        allocation of GSP+ status to other   efficiency and rationalize our workforce  synthetic fibers and non-availability
                        manufacturing regions could pose a   requirements through automation  of such yarns in Pakistan continues
                        threat. Recent upheaval in the demand                    to pose challenge from a quality
             Opportunities   and supply markets due to COVID-19                  perspective
              / Threats
                        poses a risk to short-medium term as
                        well as long-term demand patterns.
                        Cotton yarn manufacturing provides
                        an advantage to the export market,
                        however lack of competitive MMF
                        availability in Pakistan is becoming
                        increasingly challenging with shift in
                        consumer consumption patterns

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