Page 43 - InterloopAnnualReport2020
P. 43

Be the Fastest in          Build a Diverse and               Create a
                                    South Asia              Empowered Workforce           Sustainable World

                            Achieving speed in sampling and   Build a diverse and empowered   •   Transform lives of 5000
                            manufacturing becomes the catalyst   workforce through skill development,   households, helping break the
                            for transformation. By streamlining   inclusion and employee engagement   socio-economic divide through
                            our processes, innovating our   initiatives                 provision of affordable, quality
                            ways of working and digitizing our                          education
                            supply chain, we will be able to drive                   •   Enable 15,000 people live more
                            efficiency and manufacture more                             fulfilling & healthier lives through
                  Strategy  sustainably, with the aim to be the                         participation in sports and literary
                            fastest in South Asia                                       activities and access to free
                                                                                        quality health services
                                                                                     •   Build a diverse, inclusive, and
                                                                                        empowered workforce that
                                                                                        becomes agent of positive
                                                                                        change and drives sustainable
                                                                                        economic growth for Pakistan

                   Nature   Medium                      Long Term                    Long Term

                   Priority  Medium                     High                         Medium

                            Human Capital (deploying trained   Human Capital (employing subject   Financial Capital (investment in
                            teams on process improvement)  matter experts in Strategic HR)  community initiatives, scholarships,
                                                                                     and schools)
                            Manufactured Capital (employing   Human & Financial Capital
                            automation tools to improve speed of   (investment in learning & development   Social and Relationship Capital
                            transactions including ERP, RPA)  programmes on leadership, analytical   (promoting charitable causes through
                 Resources                              and technical skills, cross-functional   our network)
                  allocated  Financial Capital (investing in new   careers, performance recognition,
                            technology including digital tools for   family friendly policies, & infrastructure)
                            design & development, and machines
                            to enhance capacity for speedy

                            Manufacturing and Sample lead time.   Employee Engagement Index/      Annual CSR spend on community
                            On time Performance.        Diversity Ratio              initiatives. Number of schools built,
                                                                                     scholarships offered, sports events
                            Fast fashion demand patterns   Our geographical location and nature   Pakistan is heading towards a
                            continue to impact manufacturers   of the textile industry continue to score   development crisis with 23 million
                            around the world. With new countries   low in attracting top talent. FMCG,   children out of school, 55 million youth
                            of origin coming up in Africa, large   banking and other sectors continue to   population, lack of stable employment
                            established trading ports in East Asia,   be top choice for graduates from top   opportunities, and one of the lowest
                Opportunities   proximity of other manufacturing   universities in Pakistan. However, textile  female labour participation in the
                  / Threats  countries like Turkey and near shoring   industry is one of the largest source of   world at 22%. The opportunity for
                            continue to pose challenge to delivery   employment in Pakistan and with the   social development is immense and
                            timelines                   right incentives, policies and workplace  we firmly believe that education and
                                                        environment, we aim to build workforce  diversity hold the key to a vibrant and
                                                        of the future                sustainable economy

                                                          *MMF=Man Made Fiber, SME= Subject Matter Expert, RPA=Robotic Process Automation

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