Page 120 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 120



            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
            8.     INTANGIBLE ASSETS
                   Computer software                                    8.1            209,623         67,168
                   Development cost - in progress                                           –         104,291
                                                                                       209,623        171,459
                   8.1    Computer Software
                          Opening balance                                              146,932        130,994
                          Addition during the year                                     185,730         15,938
                          Transfer upon amalgamation                                     4,883             –
                          Write-off during the year                                     (36,486)           –
                                                                                       301,059        146,932
                          Opening balance                                               79,764         64,833
                          Transfer upon amalgamation                                     1,480             –
                          For the year amortization                     8.2             18,329         14,931
                          Adjustment                                                     (8,137)           –
                                                                                        91,436         79,764
                          Net book value                                               209,623         67,168

                          Amortization rate                                               20%           20%

                   8.2    Amortization expense relating to intangible assets of Rs. 2.118 million (2020: Rs. 5.577 million) has been
                          charged in ‘Cost of sales’ and Rs. 16.211 million (2020: Rs. 9.354 million) in ‘Administrative expenses’.

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)

            9.     LONG TERM INVESTMENTS
                   Unquoted equity - at cost
                     Subsidiary company
                       IL Apparel (Pvt) Limited                          2                  –       1,045,000
                     Associated company
                       IL Bangla Limited                                9.1                  –        308,735
                   Others - at amortized cost
                     Term finance certificates (TFCs)                   9.2                  –        500,000
                                                                                             –       1,853,735
                   9.1    IL Bangla Limited
                          Cost of investment                           9.1.1           308,735        308,735
                          Reversal of impairment loss                                   70,814             –
                                                                                       379,549        308,735
                          Disposed off during the year                                 (379,549)           –
                                                                                             –        308,735

                   9.1.1   This represent Company’s investment in 31.825 million ordinary share of BD Takas 10/- each, equity held
                          31.61%. However, the Company in its Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on December 10, 2020, after
                          giving due consideration, had approved the sale of its investment “IL Bangla Limited”.  The decision was
                          taken keeping in mind the best interest of the shareholders.

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