Page 121 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 121



            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                                   (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                   9.2    Term finance certificates - TFCs
                          Habib Bank Limited                                           500,000        500,000
                          Transferred to short term investments                        (500,000)           –
                                                                                            –         500,000

                   9.2.1   This represent investment as fully paid-up, rated, privately placed, perpetual, unsecured, subordinated,
                          noncumulative, contingent convertible, additional Tire 1, capital eligible 5,000 term finance certificates
                          (TFCs) of Habib Bank Limited having face value of Rs.100,000/- each aggregating to Rs. 500 million
                          (2020: Rs. 500 million).  TFCs carry markup at the rate of 3 months KIBOR+ 1.60% per annum payable
                          quarterly in arrears.
                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
            10.    LONG TERM LOANS
                   Considered good - Secured
                   Loans to employees                                  10.1            131,788         96,233
                   Loan to director                                    10.2             12,885         17,590
                                                                                       144,673        113,823

                   10.1   Loans to employees
                          Opening balance                                              142,721         96,795
                          Add: transfer upon amalgamation                                7,155             –
                          Add: disbursement made during the year                       232,683        120,021
                                                                                       382,559        216,816
                          Less: amount received during the year                        (139,830)      (74,095)
                                                                                       242,729        142,721
                          Less: receivable within twelve months         15             (110,941)      (46,488)
                                                                                       131,788         96,233

                   10.1.1  These loans are given to employees as per approved policy of the Company and are secured against
                          employees retirement benefits.

                                                                                      2021           2020
                                                                       Note        (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                   10.2   Loan to director
                          Opening balance                                               22,117         25,750
                          Less: amount received during the year                          (4,616)       (3,633)
                                                                                        17,501         22,117
                          Less: receivable within twelve months         15               (4,616)       (4,527)
                                                                                        12,885         17,590

                   10.2.1  This represents loan paid to executive director of the Company as per house building finance policy of
                          the Company. Under the first policy, home ownership grant of Rs. 2.5 million and mortgage assistance
                          of Rs. 23.25 million.  Tenure of  the home ownership grant and mortgage assistance is for a period of six
                          years. Mortgage assistance is repayable in 60 equal monthly installments along with markup thereon.

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