Page 142 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 142



            For the year ended June 30, 2021

                   Related parties include subsidiary company, associated companies and undertakings, entities under common
                   directorship,  directors,  major  shareholders,  key  management  personnel,  employees  benefit  trust  and  post
                   employment benefit plans. The Company in the normal course of business carries out transactions with various
                   related parties. Amounts due from and to related parties are shown under the relevant notes to the financial
                   statements.  Remuneration  to  directors  and  key  management  personnel  is  disclosed  in  note  46.  Detail  of
                   transactions with related parties, other than those which have been specifically disclosed elsewhere in these
                   financial statements are as follows:
                                                                                      2021           2020
                   Name                         Nature of transaction              (Rupees ‘000)   (Rupees ‘000)
                   IL Bangla Limited            Sale of yarn                                –            486
                                                Interest on receivables                  5,308          5,796
                   IL Apparel (Pvt) Limited     Processing services                      1,721           865
                                                Sale of yarn                            21,882          5,559
                                                Sale of assets                             723          6,300
                                                Purchase of waste                           16             –
                                                Investment in share capital                 –         345,000
                                                Toll manufacturing charges             358,230         25,917
                                                Purchase of packing material                68             –
                   Interloop Holdings           Services received                      176,195         84,825
                     (Pvt) Limited              Sale of assets                              –           7,904
                                                Purchase of assets - net                   670             –
                                                Loan repaid during the year                 –       1,400,000
                                                Mark up expense on loan                     –          10,109
                   Texlan Center (Pvt) Limited   Sale of yarn                         1,223,199       826,606
                                                Sale of packing material and
                                                  spare parts                           54,124         49,808
                   Interloop Limited ESOS       Dividend                                   217            45
                     Management Trust
                   Momentum Logistics           Transportation services received        99,205          2,001
                     (Pvt) Limited
                   PrintKraft (Pvt) Limited     Sales of asset                              –            485
                                                Purchase of packing material            80,160             –
                   Global Veneer Trading        Selling commission                     364,937        573,728
                   Eurosox Plus BV              Sale of socks                          334,674        660,364
                   Octans Digital (Pvt)         Services received                        7,848             –
                     Limited                    Sales of assets                             81             –
                   Socks & Socks (Pvt)          Rent expenses                            4,012             –
                     Limited                    Services received                        4,325             –
                                                Sales of waste                          54,658             –
                                                Sale of goods - net                     56,371             –
                                                Sales of assets                         36,080             –
                   Interloop Provident Fund     Contribution to the fund                45,582         42,542
                   Key management personnel     Sale of assets                           5,908             –
                     and other related parties   Mark up on house building
                                                  finance loan                             399           471
                                                Rent expenses                            1,262          1,169
                                                Dividend paid                         1,897,580     2,064,819

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