Page 38 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 38


                The Directors of Interloop Limited (‘the company’ or ‘ILP’) are pleased to present the

                Annual Report together with the audited Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report
                thereon for the year ended June 30, 2021.

                Pakistan’s economy already had a volatile growth pattern
                over the years, with regular boom and bust cycles, facing   Current  financial  year  has  been  a  challenging  year  for
                challenges in achieving long-term and inclusive growth.   Pakistan’s economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a
                The FY21 began in the midst of the most severe global   source of stress and adversity, the world over. Pakistan’s
                health crisis experienced in modern history. Despite myriad   economy showed its resilience and braced the negative
                of challenges, Pakistan’s economy, on the back of various   impacts of the global pandemic far better than expected.
                measures and achievements during the year, has witnessed   The  efficient  response  by  the  Government  and  SBP  to
                a V-shaped recovery post COVID and a growth rate of 3.9%   tackle the pandemic resulted in increased business in the
                as against initial estimate of 1.5% released by IMF whereas   country as compared to the neighboring countries.
                the current indicators show visible improvements and the
                FY22 whereby it is expected that the economy will grow   Despite challenging business environment, the current
                by approximately 5% and will accelerate further over the   financial  year  was  the  most  successful  year  of  your
                medium term.                                    company by the grace of Allah Almighty. Sales revenue
                                                                of your company increased by 51.40% to the highest ever
                Moreover, the Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of   sales figure of Rs. 54,962.27 million, as compared to Rs.
                Industries & Production have played a pivotal role in   36,302.79 million during the corresponding period. Your
                developing a permitting environment for industrial   company earned profit after tax of Rs 6,291.57 million for
                growth. The Textile Industry is considered one of the   the year under review as compared to Rs 1,796.40 million
                most vital sectors for Pakistan’s economic growth. It is a   during  the  previous  year.  The  net  profit  translated  into
                significant  contributor  to  its  industrial  exports.  Pakistan’s   Earnings per Share (EPS) of Rs. 7.21 as against Rs. 2.06 of
                textile exports have mostly recovered from the COVID-19   last year.
                pandemic shocks and have picked up a growing pace.
                According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), textile   The operating results of the company are summarized as
                exports have increased by 22.94% during FY21. In the textile   follows:
                sector, the highest exports were of Knitwear segment with
                a growth of 37% on a YoY basis. The Knitwear exports were
                $ 3.83 billion in FY21 compared to $ 2.80 billion in FY20.
                Whereas, Exports of Bed Wear and Readymade Garment’s
                segments had substantial growth by 29% YoY and 19% YoY,

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