Page 39 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 39
2021 2020
(Rs. in Millions)
Sales – net 54,962.27 36,302.79
Gross profit 14,212.28 7,863.72
EBITDA 10,175.59 5,121.61
Profit before Tax 6,872.86 2,115.83
Less : Tax Expense 581.29 319.428
Profit after Tax 6,291.57 1,796.40
Unappropriated profit brought forward 4,766.12 5,366.21
Effect of initial application of IFRS 16 - (0.67)
Transfer upon amalgamation (804.50) -
Profit available for Appropriations 6,219.92 1,799.12
- Final dividend 2019 1,526.34
- Interim dividend 2020 872.20
- Final dividend 2020 872.20
- Interim dividend 2021 1,308.30
Unappropriated profit carried forward 8,001.04 4,766.12
Earnings per share – Basic (Rs.) 7.21 2.06
Earnings per share – Diluted (Rs.) 7.21 2.06
The company is focused on maintaining its growth momentum in the long run. The management is acutely monitoring
its resources to reap the maximum benefits for its Stakeholders. This involves optimizing revenue generation using both;
key financial indicators and strategic indicators that provide a meaningful assessment of our performance against the
Category 2021 2020
% %
Gross profit 25.86 21.66
Operating profit 14.59 8.96
Profit before tax 12.50 5.83
Net profit after tax 11.45 4.95
EBITDA 18.51 14.11
Net profit after tax
2020 %
Profit before tax
2021 %
Operating profit
Gross profit
-5 .00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
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