Page 4 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 4


                        1             COMPANY OVERVIEW

                                        Mission, Core Values
                                        Our Vision 2025                                          6
                                        Key Performance Indicators                               8
                                        Code of Conduct                                          9
                                        Our Footprint                                           10
                                        Our Journey                                             12
                                        Corporate Information                                   14
                                        Company Profile                                         16
                                        Group Structure                                         17
                                        Organizational Structure                                18
                                        Business Categories                                     20
                                        Recognitions                                            25
                                        Customers                                               26

                        2             GOVERNANCE

                                        Board of Directors
                                        Board Committees                                        30
                                        Management Committee                                    33
                                        Chairman’s Review Report                                34
                                        Directors’ Report                                       36
                                        Directors’ Report (Urdu)                                55
                                        Statement of Compliance                                 56
                                        Independent Review Report to the
                                        Members on Statement of Compliance                      59

                        3             RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES

                                        Risk Management Policy
                                        Risk Governance                                         62
                                        Risks & Mitigation Strategies                           63
                                        Opportunities & Materialization Strategies              65
                                        Inadequacy in the Capital Structure and
                                        Plans to Address Such Inadequacy                        66
                                        Liquidity Risk Strategy                                 67

                        4             PERFORMANCE & POSITION

                                        Key Financial Ratios
                                        Last Six Years Statement of Financial Position          70
                                        Horizontal Analysis on Statement of Financial Position   72
                                        Vertical Analysis on Statement of Financial Position    73
                                        Last Six Years Statement of Profit or Loss              74
                                        Horizontal Analysis on Statement of Profit or Loss      74
                                        Vertical Analysis on Statement of Profit or Loss        74
                                        Last Six Years Statement of Cash Flows                  75
                                        Horizontal Analysis on Statement of Cash Flows          75
                                        Vertical Analysis on Statement of Cash Flows            75

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