Page 9 - InterloopAnnualReport2021
P. 9

Our Vision


              To Become a Full Family Clothing
              Partner of Choice                                   F U L L  FA M I LY  WE


                                                             VA L U E

                                                                     A D D E D

            HOW WE’LL DO IT                               R E S P ON S I B L E  B U S I N E S S  S E R V I C  C L O T H I N G  DO

                                                                              E S


                    A diverse, inclusive and engaged workforce
                    creating a high performing organization

                    Drive efficiencies through digitalization
                    and provide transparency to our customers
                    with real time information
                   AGILE MANUFACTURING
                    Drive an agile organization retaining our
                    competitive position as a responsive high
                    quality manufacturer

              $700M                                   2.5x                               25%

                                                      REVENUE THROUGH                 LOWER CARBON FOOTPRINT
                  REVENUE BY FY 2026
                                                    VALUE ADDED SERVICES             AND RESOURCE CONSUMPTION
             Transforming into a full family clothing business will
                                                   Providing value added services creating  Lead the way in responsible manufacturing meeting highest
               build further credibility with our customers
                                                      strong lasting partnerships  standards of environmental and social performance

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