Page 46 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 46

Environmental Impact Areas

            Globally, conventional textile Industry is one of the most polluting industries on the planet.
            According to World Bank estimates, textile industry is responsible for as much as 20% of
            industrial pollution; both in water and on land. Also, it has been estimated that cotton uses 2.5%
            of world’s cultivated land and 16% pesticides. To control the environmental pollution caused by
            textile manufacturers, toxin deficient methods need to be adopted.

            Sustainability Tool              Sustainable Raw                   Renewable materials are those
                                                                               which can either be manufactured
            (Higg Index)                     Materials                         or generated quick enough to keep

            Developed by the Sustainable     Consumers are increasingly        pace with their fast usage. Renewable
                                                                               materials can be made from natural
            Apparel Coalition (SAC), the Higg   considering the sustainability aspects   products or produced synthetically,
            Index is a suite of tools that enables   of their textile purchases, as they are   and often include recycled products.
            brands, retailers, and manufacturers   becoming better aware of negative
            of all sizes, at every stage in their   environmental impacts with in the   Cotton is considered as renewable
            sustainability journey, to accurately   supply chain. As a responsible Hosiery   textile material but conventional
            measure and score company’s or   manufacturing company, Interloop   cotton production imparts significant
            product’s sustainability performance.   Limited has been implementing   environmental impacts viz. higher
            The Higg Index delivers a holistic   multiple international standards that   water and land use intensity,
            overview that empowers businesses   address environmental and social   insecticides & pesticides and non-
            to make meaningful improvements   impacts. It has incorporated the   efficient agricultural practices. We have
            that protect the well-being of factory   philosophy of sustainable operations   planned for incremental use of Organic
            workers, local communities and the   as an integral part of its business   Cotton, BCI Cotton & Recycled Yarn,
            environment.                                                       leading to increase in our sustainable
                                             strategy. Sustainability aspect is
                                             always the top consideration in raw   & renewable raw material inventory.
            Our performance towards more     material provision, added chemistry
            sustainable practices is increasing   and hosiery production practices. In
            every year which can be evaluated   addition, Interloop is committed to
            by our Higg Index score. In 2018,   reduce the use of energy, lowering
            Higg Index has launched its FEM   CO  emissions and increasing
            3.0 version and Interloop is all set to   biodiversity.
            achieve valuable score in this updated
            module also.

                              Keeping year 2015 as baseline, our target is to increase the proportion of
                              sustainable raw materials to 25% of our total raw material consumption by

                              In 2015, the proportion of sustainable raw material was 8.8% of total raw
                              material consumed. In 2017, the proportion increased to 21%.
        Interloop Limited

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