Page 48 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 48
BCI Consumed also holds the 3 largest spinning
(Tons) capacity in Asia (after China and
6,000 India). In 2013, BCI licensed
46,500 farmers to produce Better
5,000 Cotton in Pakistan. Due to 14%
4,312 less water consumption, farmers
4,000 have earned approximately
42% higher profit than the ones
3,000 using conventional agricultural
Determined to increase the use
1,000 of BCI cotton as raw material,
Interloop has tripled the
0 consumption of Better Cotton
2015 2016 2017
since 2015.
environment and improve the I. Reduce the environmental impact c. Recycled Material
quality of life. It reduces 71% of cotton production Recycled yarn is another
water and 63% energy usage and II. Improve livelihood and economic choice that addresses the
has less impact on the air. development in cotton producing circular economy and reduces
areas environmental footprint. Recycled
Compared to 2015, Interloop Polyester, Recycled Nylon and
increased the use of organic III. More commitment with Better Recycled Cotton Blends are
cotton 2.7 times by 2017. Cotton throughout the supply options which are helping us in
increasing the use of sustainable
b. Better Cotton Initiative IV. Ensure credibility and material and leading to lesser
sustainability of BCI
(BCI) waste on one hand and reduction
of toxic emissions on the other.
Pakistan is the world’s 4 largest
BCI is a long-term cotton producer, and importantly,
multi-stakeholder initiative that
develops and promotes good
farming practices, allowing Recycled Yarn
more cotton to be grown while (Tons)
reducing water & chemical use 1600 1,481
and protecting both working 1400 1,427
conditions and biodiversity. Better 1,175
Cotton Initiative has four specific 1200
aims: 1000
Interloop Limited 200 0 2015 2016 2017