Page 55 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 55

Renewable Energy

               Renewable energy is the source of   are a major cause of adverse climate   Interloop is well aware of the growing
               clean, inexhaustible and increasingly   change. The Earth’s temperature has   energy crisis and is adopting alternate
               competitive energy. Diversity,    risen by an average 0.85°C since   and renewable sources such as solar
               abundance and potential for use   the end of 19  Century. According to   and biomass for energy generation,
               anywhere on the planet are key    IEA, the world electricity demand will   thus adding to our contribution
               features differentiating renewable   increase 70% by 2040, driven mainly   towards minimizing GHG emission
               energy from fossil fuels, but the most   by the emerging economies of India,   impacts due to use of fossil fuels.
               important attribute is that it doesn’t   China, Africa, Middle East and South
               produce greenhouse gases which    East Asia.

                                  We have set the target of 4 MWp installed solar capacity by 2020.


                                  Year 2015 has been identified as the baseline.


               Our Initiatives:                  The inline project of installing 2000   energy demand through Bio-fuel such
                                                                                   as Corn Cob and Rice Husk. The total
                                                 KWp for 2018 is expected to further
                                                 reduce 1500 tons of CO  emission per   steam generated through Bio-fuel at
               Solar Energy:                     annum. We have planned to increase   Plant 3 since 2015 has been 48,743
                                                 the renewable energy production to   tons, saving up to 6,694 tons of CO
               Solar energy is not only abundant but   4MWp installed solar capacity.  emission.              2
               the supply is free of cost and it is the
               cleanest source of energy in terms of
               CO  emission. Our currently installed   Rice Husk Boiler
               solar capacity of 120KWp has already   Biomass fuel has very little contribution
               made a positive impact by generating   to GHG emission compared to coal
               263,758 kWh and reducing CO       and furnace oil for steam generation.                               Sustainability Report 2017
               emission by 153 tons since 2015.
                                                 Interloop fulfills some portion of its
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