Page 56 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 56

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

            The relationship between energy   We determine the total emissions for   An inventory of stationary emission
            consumption and climate change has   each plant site at regular intervals   sources as well as company owned
            been widely recognized. Emission of   and make regular checks to control   vehicle-air-emission sources is
            GreenHouse Gases is a side effect of   variations, if any. The direct carbon   maintained. An inventory of asbestos,
            the production process and has major   dioxide (CO ) emissions are the   CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) or any
            environmental impacts which cannot   result of combustion processes   Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS)
            be completely avoided, despite all   for generation of electricity, heat   is also maintained, if required within
            environmental protection efforts. The   and steam. We aim to reduce our   the facility. The quarterly monitoring
            emissions are subject to control limits   reliance on fossil fuels by finding   of air emission sources is carried
            laid down by environmental protection   alternate sustainable energy sources   out to ensure that emissions are
            agency of the country. Interloop   and production processes. This will   under permissible limits. In case of
            ensures compliance with these limits   not only reduce our environmental   any deviation, the operation of the
            by taking environmental protection   footprint but will also lower costs and   concerned equipment is immediately
            measures and is moving further to   improve our operational efficiencies.  shut down for subsequent remedial
            reduce the emissions to maximum,                                   measures.
            through energy conservation efforts.

                              We are committed to reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 15% by year

                              We have identified year 2015 as baseline. GHG emissions are measured in
                              Kg of CO /Dozens of Socks and Kg of CO /Kg of Yarn.
                                       2                              2

             Hosiery – TCO                                     Yarn Dying – TCO
             (Kg of CO /Dozens of Socks)                       (Kg of CO /Kg of Yarn)  2
              2.5                                               4.0
                       2.1                                               3.36
                                                 1.82           3.5
                                    1.74                        3.0
              1.5                                               2.5                   2.07          2.14
              0.0                                               0.0
                      2015         2016          2017                   2015          2016          2017
                                   (Years)                                           (Years)
        Interloop Limited

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