Page 63 - SustainabilityReport2017
P. 63

Looking Ahead

               Looking ahead; Interloop’s Mission will   hosiery manufacturing plant during   Another expansion into the Apparel
               continue to guide us in all our future   2019.                      Segment is establishment of IL
               endeavours.                                                         Apparel (Private) Limited, a subsidiary
                                                 As part of business expansion, we   of Interloop Limited. IL Apparel will
               During 2018, Interloop secured a   are entering into the Denim Apparel   handle the Knitwear and Active-wear
               demerger through which all textile   Segment and have envisioned a   Business of the Company. We have
               related business will be retained   production facility which will minimise   already launched a pilot plant for
               within Interloop Limited and all other   its environmental impact, prioritise   Seamless Active-wear and intend to
               businesses will be held and managed   worker well-being and will maintain a   expand it in the coming years. With
               by Interloop Holdings (Private) Limited.   very high standard for operational and   the assistance of our Allied Concerns,
                                                 cost efficiency, ensuring that Interloop   we will be launching our own Active-
               As part of Interloop’s pursuit of its   continues to serve its customers   wear brand “Xterity 3.0”, on Amazon.
               Vision 2020; “To double our turnover   effectively. With a focus on women   The Knitwear production plant will
               by 2020 through value addition,   empowerment, we are targeting to   be a vertically integrated sustainable
               process improvement and nourishing   engage females as 50% of the total   manufacturing facility based on Lean
               talent”, the company is enhancing   workforce. The production facility   Principles. The pilot project in phase
               its capability and is on a growth   will be LEED Certified and will be the   1 will have production capacity of
               trajectory. Pursuing our Mission,   most technologically advanced and   25,000 garments per day which will be
               we have recently commissioned     sustainable denim apparel production   enhanced to 100,000 garments per
               our Green Production Facility at   facility in this part of the world,   day in phase 2.
               Faisalabad; Our Plant 4, which is   underpinning Interloop’s Mission; “To
               Pakistan’s and Region’s First Socks   be an agent of positive change for   With all these undertakings, we will
               Production Facility to achieve LEED   the stakeholders and community by   continue to do our best to meet our
               (Leadership in Energy & Environmental   pursuing an ethical and sustainable   triple bottom line targets for 2020.
               Design) Gold certification from US   business”. The plant will go into
               Green Building Council. In order to   production in Q3, 2019 and has been
               manage the growth of our Hosiery   conceived with a planned output
               business, we plan to add the 5 th   exceeding one million garments per

                                                                                                                     Sustainability Report 2017

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