Page 13 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 13

Established Yarn Dyeing Division at IIP,
 Faisalabad with current dyeing capacity of
 354,000 Kgs per month

                               Created business alliance with Euro
 Established vertically integrated   Sox Plus, Netherlands to provide sales,   Established Hosiery Plant 3 at Lahore
 Commencement of Interloop   Hosiery Plant 1 at Faisalabad with   Established vertically integrated Hosiery Plant   marketing, market intelligence, design,   through acquisition, with current
 Operations at Faisalabad with   current monthly production capacity   2 at IIP, Faisalabad with current monthly   logistics, warehousing and distribution   monthly production capacity of 13.7
 10 Knitting Machines  of 14.3 million pairs of socks  production capacity of 17.9 million pairs of socks  services to customers in Europe & UK  million pairs of socks

 1992  2000  2003  2005  2006  2007  2009            2010               2011                2012

 2  Unit with addition of 400   Established Spinning Unit - I at   Established Interloop North   Established IL Bangla Limited,   Set up Interloop China Office to source
 Knitting Machines  Interloop Industrial Park (IIP),   America; an affiliate and exclusive   Bangladesh, a vertically integrated   top quality yarns, dyes, chemicals &
 Faisalabad comprising 20,400 spindles  North American representative   Hosiery Plant with current monthly   other raw materials cost effectively and
            of Interloop Limited to provide     production of 2.5 million pairs of socks  to ensure better lead time
            trend analysis, design & product
            development, sales, marketing,
            warehousing & logistic services

 10  Interloop Limited                                                                           Sustainability Report 2019  11
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