Page 9 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 9


 Climate change, increasing GHG   Today, Interloop is considered a   consumption, energy consumption,
 emissions, non-availability of clean   responsible partner by top brands   GHG emissions and effluent waste.
 water, lack of education, rising   and retailors world-wise because   Our next five year targets will cover
 inequalities, poverty and hunger are   our foremost priority since inception   Inteloop’s all business functions,
 severe challenges faced by humanity   has been to support the society and   demonstrating our commitment to
 at present. Business operations   the environment along with providing   further reduce our environmental
 worldwide are being reviewed in a   quality products and service to   footprint and play our part in preserving
 wider context, driving the companies to   our customers. Our sustainability   a greener mother earth for future
 follow sustainable practices, manage   philosophy is practiced in all our   generations.
 their impacts and deliver solutions for   business decisions and our people
 global challenges.   targets 2021 encompassing, building   Despite unfavourable economic and
 a diverse & empowered workforce,   market conditions, primarily impacted
 At Interloop, we believe that   transforming lives, and improving   by deteriorating macro-economic
 Sustainability, being a key pillar of our   well-being augment delivering a   indicators, higher interest rates and
 mission, is vital for effecting our role as   positive impact on our people and   increased inflationary pressures during
 a leading player in hosiery business in   communities. We have been able   the year the company has been   We believe transparency is vital for   on which the impacts of our initiatives
 the global supply chain. Our mission   to transform lives of thousands of   able to achieve its financial targets.   winning the trust of our stakeholders.   is being measured and reported,
 “to be an agent of positive change for   households and enabled many more   Interloop Limited was listed on the   To further our commitment of pursuing   based on our targets. This report also
 the stakeholders and community by   live more fulfilling and healthier lives by   Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) in   sustainable business, we adopted the   links our activities to these SDGs and
 pursuing an ethical and sustainable   investing PKR 1.08 billion in multiple   April 2019 which was the largest IPO   world’s most widely used sustainability   demonstrates our valuable contribution
 business” drives our strategy to deliver   social initiatives in education, health,   by any private company in Pakistan’s   reporting standards this year, “GRI   to the world.
 shared value for our stakeholders.   women empowerment, sports and   history. Currently, Interloop is the   Standards” along with Sustainability
 We are a purpose driven organization   literary activities since 2016.   largest listed textile company on PSX   Accounting Standards Board’s   Your input is vital for our success and
 pursuing ethical practices in our   by market capitalization and the 6th   “Apparel, Accessories, Footwear   guidance to deliver shared value to our
 business activities and our relationships   Managing environmental impact of our   largest exporting firm of Pakistan. We   Standard” for our Sustainability Report   all stakeholders.
 with our stakeholders.  business and preserving and improving   continued to play an important part in   to better communicate our impacts
 our communities form an important   the economic growth of Pakistan by
 Our reason for existence is to be an   part of our sustainability philosophy.   providing employment opportunities,   and contributions towards the goal of
 Agent of Positive Change. To pursue   Interloop has defined environmental   earning foreign exchange, paying all   sustainable development.
 this, we follow a Triple Bottom Line   targets for its hosiery business and   applicable taxes, engaging multiple   Although we are impacting several of
 Sustainability Philosophy, comprising   performance against targets 2021   vendors for buying raw materials as   the UNDP’s Sustainable Development
 People, Planet & Prosperity, i.e.,   have resulted in efficient management   well as other services, and by investing   Goals, we have specified 9 SDGs either
 expanding our business focus on the   of resources and decreased   in the community.  relevant to our business or high priority   Musadaq Zulqarnain
 financial bottom line as well as on the   environmental impact over the year, by   areas for social and environmental uplift   Chairman
 social and environmental aspects.       reducing the relative volume of water

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