Page 21 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
P. 21


 Hosiery       We Produce a Wide Range of Top    Product Development
               Quality Products for World’s Leading
 Headquartered in Pakistan, Hosiery   Brands and Retailers  A dedicated Vertical Sampling Facility
 manufacturing & exports is the Flagship   Our Product Range includes:  (VSF) at Interloop Industrial Park,
 business category of Interloop Limited.         Faisalabad comprising a Yarn Library,
 Spread across South Asia, it comprises   •   Socks (Performance, Athletic,   dedicated Yarn Dyeing Machines,
 of 5 vertically integrated manufacturing   Casual, Formal, Specialty)  100 Knitting Machines and Linking to
 facilities in Pakistan, over 250 Acres   •   Tights & Leggings   Finishing capabilities develops premium
 across 3 industrial zones, and 1 each   We are focused on delivering:  quality products for customers. The
 in Bangladesh and in Sri Lanka through   •   Design & Fashion Trends  Product Development Lab houses
 associated companies. This report   •   Premium Quality  a complete range of latest colour
 only takes into account the impact   •   Inventory Planning & Management  development machines.
 of local operations and does not   •   Lean Manufacturing Techniques
 include overseas facilities as those are   •   Timely Delivery
 separate entities.  •   Speed to Market
 The vertically integrated production   Currently housing 5,000+ knitting         Quality Assurance
 is equipped with the latest Italian   machines, Interloop has the capacity
 Knitting Machines, Spanish Processing   to produce over 700 million pairs of     The Quality Department looks after
 Machines and Italian Dyeing Machines,   socks and tights annually. We will       Quality Assurance, Quality Control,
 having quick changeover capability   be expanding the hosiery business           Quality Testing Labs & QMS. The
 and highly skilled staff to produce   by adding another 1,280 knitting           Quality Policy refers the way our
 high volumes of standard mix and   machines in Plant 5, expanding our            teams follow the working processes
 low volumes of customized products.   capacity to c.6,500 knitting machines      to produce quality products and
 Interloop Plant 4, located at Interloop   with a production capacity of 900      deliver excellent services to our valued
 Industrial Park, is Pakistan’s &   million pairs annually.                       customers. With ISO / IEC 17025:2005
 Region’s First LEED Gold Certified                                               & ISO / IEC - 17043 accreditations,
 Socks Production Facility, ensuring                                              Interloop is the First Textile Company
 26% Energy Savings, 51% Reduction                                                in Pakistan to provide Local Proficiency
 in Portable Water Usage & 25%                                                    Testing (PT).
 Enhanced Fresh Air Intake.
               Research & Innovation

               A dedicated Research & Innovation
               (R&I) Centre at Pakistan, equipped
               with hi-tech knitting, processing and
               finishing operations, a modern lab,
               and an extremely competent team
               has launched multiple commercial
               concepts including innovative knitting
               constructions, processing treatments,
               specialty yarns and finishing
               operations. Three Patents have already
               been granted to Interloop and patents
               for two products are in the application

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