Page 99 - Interloop Sustainability Report 2019
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 SDGs  GRI STANDARDS DISCLOSURE                                  25, 51,
 NO.                         Ensure sustainable consumption and   52, 55,   204-1, 301-1, 301-2, 302-1, 302-4, 305-1, 306-
                             production patterns                         2, 306-4
 End poverty in all its forms everywhere  202-1, 413-1
                             Take urgent action to combat climate
                                                                  52, 55  302-1, 302-4, 305-1
                             change and its impacts
 End hunger, achieve food security and   44,
 improved nutrition and promote sustainable   78-83  201-1, 413-1
 agriculture                 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
                             seas and marine resources             55    305-1, 305-5
 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being   55,
 for all at all ages  58, 76  305-1, 306-2, 306-4, 403-2  Sustainably manage forests, combat
                             desertification, halt and reverse land   55  305-1, 305-5
                             degradation, halt biodiversity loss
 Ensure inclusive and quality education for all
 and promote lifelong learning  71  404-1                        25, 36-
                             Promote just, peaceful and inclusive   37, 38,  102-16, 102-22, 205-1, 307-1, 414-1, 406-1,
                             societies                           44, 49,  408-1, 419-1
 25, 38,
 Achieve gender equality and empower all   102-22, 201-1, 202-1, 401-1, 404-1, 404-3,   68, 73,
 women and girls  44, 65,   406-1, 414-1
 68, 71

 Ensure access to water and sanitation for all  54, 58  303-1, 303-2, 306-2

 Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
 sustainable and modern energy for all  44, 52  201-1, 302-1, 302-4

 25, 44,
 51, 52,
 Promote inclusive and sustainable economic   64, 65,   102-8, 102-41, 201-1, 202-1, 301-1, 301-2,
 growth, employment and decent work for all  66, 68,   302-1, 302-4, 401-1, 401-2, 403-1, 403-2, 404-
 71, 73,   1, 404-3, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 414-1
 75, 76
 Build resilient infrastructure, promote
 sustainable industrialization and foster   44  201-1

 Reduce inequality within and among   78-83  413-1

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