Page 4 - InterloopLimitedSR2020
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                                                                                                                                           Managing Environmental
             Overview                                          Sustainability Management                                                                                                     Community Development
             Key Performance Highlights                 06     Mission, Vision                            36                               Targets 2021                               52     Community Development                      86
             About the Report                           07     Core Values                                37                               Managing Environmental Footprint           54     Education                                  87
             Message from the Chairman                  08     Our Governance                             38                               Using Resources Efficiently and                   Sports                                     90
             Interloop and Sustainable Development      10     Organizational Structure                   39                               Responsibly                                55     Literary Activities                        91
             Goals (SDGs)                                                                                                                  Reducing Emissions and Waste               61     Health Care                                92
             Corporate Leadership Conversation          11     Sustainability at Interloop                40
             on SDGs                                           Stakeholders’ Engagement                   42                                                                                 Community Support during COVID-19          93
                                                               Materiality Analysis                       44                               Unleashing Human Capital
             About Interloop
                                                                                                                                           Targets 2021                               68     Future Outlook
             Our Journey                                14     Enhancing Economic Impacts                                                  Nourishing Workforce                       69     The Way Forward                            96
             Our Footprint                              18
                                                               Target 2021                                48                               Interloop Way                              80
             Corporate Profile                          20
                                                               Enhancing Economic Impacts                 48                               Health and Safety                          81
             Business Categories                        21                                                                                                                                   Appendix
             Our Customers                              28                                                                                                                                   GRI Index                                100

             Supply Chain                               29                                                                                                                                   SDG Index                                106
             Commitments, Memberships and Awards        30                                                                                                                                   Glossary and Acronyms                    108
                                                                                                                                                                                             Feedback Form                            109
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